Thursday, December 31, 2009

Late night thinking

I can't sleep, and I've been doing quite a lot of thinking. I don't know why, but nights like these it's inevitable. Also this is going to be my last blog for the year 2009. I mean this year was a really good one, but it's just ending ehh like. Oh trust me, this upcoming year you'll be seeing A LOT more lists from me. I make a lot now, but never seem to post them; I'll get on that. I have so much thinking going on, I feel like making a bazillion lists and since it's too cold to write them down, I suppose I'll just type em out.

Why this year a really good one.
- Graduated high school with a 4.0
- Started College
- Met new people
- Grew spiritually and still growing!
- Kept the right friends from high school
- Got to go Arizona, San Diego, Las Vegas
- Family visited.

Thoughts in my head.
- How did I get down there?
- Why am I still up?
- What am I going to wear tomorrow?
- I miss Ate Arlene, Kuya Gama, Gama, Romelo &Jessica already.
- stop looking at my split ends!
- WTHECK, it's 5 AM?!
- I wonder what time I'm waking up tomorrow
- I feel like staying up, but I should do this later on tonight!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

List #2

Reasons why this Christmas was different.
1. Dad was in Philippines.
2. Lolo stayed in Vegas.
3. Tita Doc had to work and stayed in Phoenix.
4. Tita Flor &family went to Philippines
- No party at Tita Flors house.
5. Smaller families had small parties.
6. Spent Christmas Eve with Jeremae, Mimi, Joel, etc.
7. No Christmas tree.
8. Didn't see my COC cousins.
9. Went to Grandmas house for Christmas Eve.
10. Went to Tita Graces house for Christmas Eve.
11. Spent Christmas day at Jacobs house.

Just because Christmas wasn't the same this year, doesn't mean I didn't have fun. It was a wonderful way to spent Christmas Eve and Day. I thought it was funny how #9-11 are all spent in the same neighborhood, and #10-11 were spent with the same people.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."

-Isaiah 7:14

I must admit Christmas Eve was different compared to all the other Christmas' that I can remember, but it was a wonderful Christmas Eve. Hope you enjoyed it as well along with enjoy this Christmas day that we're having right now. I also hope that you guys remember/know what the meaning of Christmas is. Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy birthday my dear father! Sorry can't be there with you in Philippines, but hope you have a good one; especially since you came here for my birthday (:

List #1

Because of my habit to make lists, I've already posted a few lists before, I'll just start numbering them now.

Random thoughts in my head at the moment.
1. My hands are cold
2. What's going down on Christmas Eve this year?
3. Why is it that I want to pack for Vegas already
4. Can we just hang out.
5. That living room...
6. I don't like windy days
7. Kuya singing &trying to read in Tagalog during Simbang Gabi is hilarious!
9. Can the weather for Las Vegas change please?
10. What am I doing tomorrow?
11. I'd rather watch Lakers vs. Boston on Christmas day.
12. These split ends are inevitable, even when I cut my hair they're always going to be there.
13. When is my Trig teacher going to put in our final grade.
14. Simbang Gabi pt 2 tomorrow!
15. I love Christmas season!

Monday, December 21, 2009

It'll hit you.

Last Minutes with ODEN from phos pictures on Vimeo.

If this doesn't get to you, I don't know what will.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

first semester

Winter break is finally here! First I would want to thank God for being with me through my first semester of college, then I would want to thank my friends, classmates &family for helping me survive my first semester It wasn't even that bad, although I must say that I didn't get straight A's for sure, I can say it's pretty decent. Finals weren't that bad either, I think it's all hyped up, but I guess it just depends on where you're at in your classes. I'm very grateful for the people I've met in college and got closer too as well.

first semester consisted of
1. fifth floor Monday and Wednesday nights.
2. complaining about Trigonometry.
3. getting not so good grades on Chemistry exams, even though it's the class average
4. not going to Algebra lecture along with Kim and Joseph because we get better grades when we don't go.
5. seeing Mimi almost everyday
6. new people
7. fridays with Grace
8. homework
9. studying
10. rekindling my love for guavas!

Friday, December 11, 2009


"Start weak, end strong."

- Me

I don't live by that quote, but in middle and high school i started off bad i think i had C's however I ended up getting 4.0 at the end. With winter break right around the corner, it is might hard to focus in class. I know that in order for me to have an enjoyable winter break i must do good on finals. "Finals come before break", I need to remember that; however finals is not before everything. So I must end strong with finals!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Four Years

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."

- From a headstone in Ireland

November 03, 1912-December 02, 2005
Resting in Peace

It's been 4 years without him however it's been 18 years that he has been inside me along with all the things he taught me. From how he used to let me finish his perfectly rational coffee (he is the only one I know who can make coffee taste like that), to how he taught me how to fry egg, he's made a huge impact on the person I am today. I know he's watching down on not only me, but everyone else and is proud of us. What I'm trying to say is that I miss him, but I know he is in a wayyyyyyyyy better place.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."

- Psalm 100:4

I don't know about you, but I have plenty of things to be thankful for. At the end of the day, we should all be thankful for the same thing.

Friday, November 20, 2009


"It feels great. I've always said that in this organization, with this tradition and history here. You look up at the rafters and you talk about some of the best players that ever played. And it feels great to be climbing that ladder."
-Kobe Bryant

Congrats on moving up to #2 on the Lakers all-time scoring list, surpassing the captain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Congrats, on your first ring. Thanks for all the hard work and effort, could not have done it without you. wish you were still with us for more championships and wish you the best in Houston.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

how I do things

I clean when I'm sad. I do homework when I'm mad.

And lately I have been getting an excessive amount of homework done.

Monday, November 9, 2009

wanted but not accepting

"People ask for help &when i try to care for them; they're gonna get mad about it."

- From a previous post

Sorry for the confusing quote, it was cut from an old post.

I don't understand why people ask for help, but totally reject your advice. This has happened to me more than once and each time, it keeps me wondering, what is the whole point of asking for help?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spring 2010 registration

"One day makes a difference."

I have my schedule set for next semester, just pray that none of my classes are going to be full by my registration date.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


me (7:14:52 PM): see if ariza shot that 3...
harvey (7:14:57 PM): ahahhahahhahahahhaha
harvey (7:15:01 PM): i knew you were gonna say that!
me (7:15:38 PM): duhh
me (7:15:39 PM): ahaha
harvey (7:16:03 PM): lol

me (7:17:01 PM): andrew bynum need's to shave
me (7:17:01 PM): aha
harvey (7:20:29 PM): lo needs to let his hair grow
harvey (7:20:30 PM): i wanna see it
harvey (7:20:32 PM): lol

harvey (7:33:36 PM): DAAAAAMN
me (7:33:38 PM): dengg
me (7:33:39 PM): haha
harvey (7:33:43 PM): JORDAN GOT POSTARIZED
harvey (7:33:45 PM): asldjk;fakls;fjajsdf
harvey (7:33:48 PM): oh my!!

Harvey admit it, you know you missed having these conversations.
We talk to each other as if both of us aren't watching and for some reason we tend to tell each other all the calls of the games and such...

Expect more of these on here, cause it's basketball seasonnnnn.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

&The exams start now...

Exams are coming at me, at a might fast speed! Hence the reason why I am still up.
Something as simple as factoring with fraction exponents are not communicating with my brain. I understood it a few days ago. I have no idea why I'm blogging right now instead of studying.

Note to self: wake up early to study some more with Kim and Joseph.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

local theaters

One benefit of ushering at a local theater in Downtown Long Beach, besides the ushering itself, was that I got to watch the play. The play was really good, and now I want to watch more plays. I also recommend that you should watch a play at a local theater or playhouse, hopefully you'll enjoy it.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day at the Park.

A good day with the extended family at the park. Loved how we all or most brought our dogs, and it was not planned. We seemed pretty active today, from tennis to biking to walking the dogs.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

So Long Sweet Summer

Summer vacation is done and over with, however the season is not over until September 22. It's all good though, I actually have things to do now.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Word of the day: dagat.

"Rolling down Bixby Knolls, like we're important people. Superstaws"

- Joel Reyes

Random day with Mimi and Joel, and Daniel came along towards the end. Oh, now us four can never forget Chung! Ahaaa.

So my dad left for the Philippines today, some people don't understand why he goes there way more often than the average Filipino living in the United States; but I understand why.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

just because you can't see it

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

- 2 Corinthians 4:18

I was watching some TV show I used to watch when I was in middle school, and I noticed how much the girls worried about the way they looked, and spent so much time and money on makeup, clothes, nails, etc. For them it was as if looks were everything to them, and personality was nothing. This is something I do not agree with. People don't need to focus on looks that seriously (1 Peter 3:3-4), because no matter what you do your looks are going to change meaning it's pretty much temporary. Once again, the Bible is correct.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


So it's 5:50 in the morning and sadly, I can't go back to sleep. I fell asleep during my Wednesday night movie yeah... And now I am up and paying for it. I feel like taking a walk outside but I don't know if I should, I'll probably walk at like 7. I guess I will just lay down for a few minutes and think about stuff. Sorry for the pointless blog, but insomnia sucks.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Last minute trip

Oh Arizona, how I miss you now. Visiting my aunt's house was great, all though I must say that her pool was sadly wasted since I was allergic to swimming for the weekend.

My weekend consisted of
1. 105 and up temperature.
2. Outlet shopping.
3. Family bonding.
4. Scrabble games.
5. Random TV watching.
6. Late night sleeping with cousins.
8. Road trips with Kyle next to me.
9. More outlet shopping.
10. People magazine crosswords.
11. Fighting over who Izzy likes better.
12. GPS systems.
13. Listening to My mom and Aunts gossip about EVERTHING.
14. Magic Bullet fun along with watching Magic Bullet commercials
15. Air conditioning

Our "made it to Arizona" face.
Saturday morning's Scrabble game.
Waiting for the others to finish Outlet shopping.
Tita Doc's pool and part of her backyard.
Downtown Pheonix

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A ride along the LA riverbed

Rode to the lighthouse over at Downtown Long Beach with Kuya, Harvey, Paolo, Bryan, Alvin, Kevin, Jacob and Tito Gani. Quite random, but they wouldn't leave me alone since Monday night. It took 50 minutes basically an hour to get there. No Harvey, not 2 hours... Split up from the lighthouse, Kuya, Kevin, Alvin, Bryan went to Wilmers or attempted to, then me, Jacob, Harvey, Paolo and Tito Gani went back home. From there time was our only worry, well actually sunlight, but we made it. Got off the riverbed at like 8:40. It didn't take that long, being that we were tired hahah. Now I'm off to clean Thomas. Oh that riverbed... I want to thank those that actually pick up there dog's dumpings, and all those little LA River cleanup volunteers.

Monday, August 10, 2009

First ride

Went riding with Grace, Kevin and Justin, it was a good first ride. I need to get used to a few things like, having the cars pass by so close! My only really big complain was getting dark, like no lie; for those that know me, I don't really like to get dark. Once we reached our destination (Wilmer and Wilfred's house) it was whatever I wasn't really tired, but now that I'm home, wowwwwwwww I'm tired haha. Looking forward to more rides with my bike, but not too much haha.

Also, major thanks to Kevin and Ban for patching up the hole on my bike's tube, that I named Brian.

I learned a couple of things from this ride:
1. Watch out what I'm biking on, so nothing harms my bike's tires
2. Bring a jacket or anything with long-sleeves, so I don't get dark.
3. Find something to cover my face, so my face doesn't get dark.
4. Naming a bike is not easy, that's why i have so many "my bike" on this blog.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

free to run around all day

Oh this video.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

all over the place

Hung out with friends in the morning, then cousins and my dogs in the afternoon and early evening, exercised through biking and resisted the unhealthy foods. I need more days like this.

Monday, August 3, 2009


My list of summer accomplishments, is pretty much nothing...

- I clean my room all the time.
- I am a couple of chapters away from finishing The Soloist
- I walk my dogs pretty much 5 days a week
- I blog more often

That is not a list to be proud of. I haven't even finished The Soloist, I mean for a book that I actually like, this is taking too long. I don't even walk my dogs EVERYDAY.. Nothing on that list is making me proud of myself, ughh.

Talk about a productive summer ...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

x men evolution

I've been watching X Men Evolutions on DXD channel, it brought back memories of when there was Kid's WB on Saturday mornings, when there actually was a WB channel... Anyways, I wanted to finish the show, and was kind of impatient to watch just one episode a day, so I'm watching episodes online, to this very second I'm watching one on my computer as I blog on the brother's laptop. Admit it, you used to imagine having mutant powers; shoooot I know I did.

Where am I going with this, you ask? I encourage that you all watch a cartoon that you used to watch as a kid; not only does it bring back memories, but you also get to watch a show that you actually enjoy and it might have insiders that only your generation will understand.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

State University Grant

"...we have added a State University Grant (SUG) to your award offer ..."

Thanks CSU Long Beach for this addition towards my grant &scholarship money.

I'll admit, I'm quite nervous at the moment. This bowl of cereal that I'm currently eating is satisfying my taste buds.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

hot heat

Happy 18th Birthday Grace!

KBBQ on a 83°F day yeeeeeeeeah.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Movie Night Wednesday

Wednesday is officially my movie night. Nothing like staying home watching some somewhat old good movie on a Wednesday night.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Gah! So I passed my Chemistry placement test, therefore I don't have to take Chem 101. Now I'm trying to add 111A and drop 101 because there's only one 111A class open and MyCSULB won't let me add classes due to the hold they put on Freshmans registration ugh. I'm stressing that it might be taken by all the other students that passed the Chem test with me and aren't a freshman, hopefully they don't register for 111A.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A little thing from Sunday school

"Sometimes you're the only Bible people read."

Makes you think, huh?

Friday, July 17, 2009


Why must they be so freaking believable?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Yesterday I was with the fellow unemployed cousins and they started talking about what they were going to do with their money that they were going to get if something went through, and it reminded me of something that happens in books and movies. When like some characters dream about getting money and &start to have those ridiculous visions of what they would do with money. I can't explain, it just made me laugh.

Monday, July 13, 2009


This makes me miss 6th period badminton in what's his face's class. Sorry I forgot it.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

more more.

Played badminton today for like 45 minutes, then sushi and more tomorrow!

I love That 70's Show.

talk about throwback

What do you have on this?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

sick of home.

I know I say all the time I don't mind being home, but I want to get out the house! No, I don't mean going to csulb to play badminton or drop off some sort of papers or going out to find a job. I actually want to hang out.

&that was high school

So yesterday I pretty much threw all my papers from High School minus my 3 years of Chemistry notes that I know I'll have to look over again, and my Math Studies notes from last year. I even threw away the forest of the papers that fit in the two, 2" binders from Mr. Coop. When I was trying to throw away the first plastic bag as I lifted the bag the handles expanded so I had to carry it as if it were a box.

Played Badminton yesterday &more tomorrow!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Currently craving California Rolls and Shrimp Tempura! Letssssssss go!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

it's official

Trevor Ariza is a Rocket. ):

Sighh, he looked better in purple &gold, oh and white.

Oh &Ron Artest is a Laker #37. I love the story behind the number too.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

MJ's memorial

"I want to say to Michael's children, there wasn't nothing strange about your daddy, it was strange what your daddy had to deal with. He dealt with it anyway. He dealt with it for us."

- Al Sharpton

Isn't it funny how when he was alive the media was all in his business and people had negative things to say about him, and now that he's dead it's all gone. I think it's sad how it takes such a sad event to make some people realize all the great things a person has done.

"This is a moment I wished I wouldn't live to see ... As much as we may feel that we need Michael here with us, God must have needed him far more."

- Stevie Wonder

Yes more about him. Even though I was watching it on tv, it was s so touching. I'll admit I teared... plenty of times. At practice I told Donnie I was tearing but I wasn't sure if I was tearing because of the memorial or because one of the dogs were limping. Then I watched the encore presentation, since I didn't finish and I started tearing again making me realize that I wasn't tearing because of the dog...

Monday, July 6, 2009

interior designing

I've been watching a lot of HGTV, DIY, Style, and Planet Green shows and it keeps making me want to decorate my room even more. Like i rearranged my furniture before school ended and then I had to rearrange my wall. *This was all before I started watching those channels. I love seeing such pretty decorated rooms, especially the ones that don't have too much decorations but yeah.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence day.

"Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better."

- Albert Camus

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Friday, July 3, 2009

not occupied .

Gahhhh, I'm so bored! There's absolutely nothing to do, well kind of... clean my room AGAIN, but then it's going to make me want to add to my wall, which I can't do because I haven't developed the pictures I want on my wall -__-''. Oh and I'm going to refold my clothes in my drawer.

there's still hope.

Since his agent is an idiot, this won't be happening anymore! He'll be on the other team in this picture. Even though he might not on my team anymore, he's still my player; it's just sad I can't see him play all the time like when he was a Laker. But hey, nothing's official yet, I still have hope for him being a Laker next season. I was seriously about to put him on my wall, I already put pictures on my SD card because I was going to develop the photos for my wall and I put a handful pictures of Ariza to print to put on my wall, and they were him as LAL #3.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer days like this .

I actually stayed home today, I'm not complaining though. It was one of those decent days where I don't need to go out. I didn't even clean my room, the whole time I was at home, although I need to get on that again. I'm currently adding (more) things to my wall, and somewhat trying to decorate my room. I love looking at pictures of other people's room, I could stare at those pictures forever.

I started the FirstRead for University 100 which is The Soloist By Steve Lopez, I like it so far. It's nothing new to be reading during summer, since I pretty much had to every year in high school.

More people need to blog, and the ones that do need to update more often. I like reading people's blogs.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

unemployed .

I envy everyone who has one. It is so hard to get one it's ridiculous, but I guess it's worth it once you get it.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

King of Pop

Rest In Peace
Michael Jackson August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009

Hard to believe, I was just watching Black to the Future on VH1 a documentary on the black culture during the 1980's and the Jackson 5 was on there, today. It's hard to believe he's gone. I know recently, I wasn't one of his biggest fans but I was when I was kid. I remember my mom bought this Michael Jackson Greatest Hit's VHS and my siblings and I watched it. Yeah I remember getting scared when the Thriller music video came up. Me and my brother and a few cousins last watched the tape sometime around Christmas last year, despite what people say about him now, we were saying good things about him. Joel liking the way he danced, me &my brother saying that learning his dance moves wasn't easy and Daniel made up a Michael Jackson move himself. His legacy will be with us, always.

time .

I cannot believe how much time is wasted on putting on makeup, daily. I mean it's okay for special occasions, but for every single time you go out the house it takes hours for a person to get ready, that's too much. Honestly it probably takes me like 25 minutes at the most to get ready, without distractions &that includes straightening, I guess?

The 24th was a decent day, I went out by myself to apply for a job then I spent time at the cemetery to visit my grandpa &then thrift storeeeeeee. Found a new things, but yeah since Grace left her house when I was calling her, we were suppose to go shop together but she sucks and then she calls me when I get back home, can you say bad timing? haha.

So Shaq becoming a Cavalier? Hmph, doesn't really scare me cause he is not that much of a threat even with Lebron. Don't get me wrong, he's a really good player or at least was but he can't even play back to back games so yeah. Clevland's front court will be pretty slow, with Shaq &Ilguaskas. Hmm, the NBA 2009 Draft is tomorrow, wonder how that's going to go down. Sounds like a perfect time to bet mochi on who's going to pick who *ahemmmm hahahaha.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the joy


This is why I like cleaning so much.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Shine .

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone..."

- Marianne Williamson

I think that Williamson is trying to portray is that everyone is special &important because we are all created by the same person, God. So nobody is better than anyone else, and that nobody has the right to bring another person down. She's also saying that we all have our own thing, that makes us different from everyone else and that is what makes us our own person.

I have been meaning to blog about these words for awhile now, since March or something, but I just didn't have the time to do so and Now that it's summer and all, I finally did it &this made me realize that I miss school, I guess...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

take my hand.

A day at the park with the side of the family that I see all the time, but don't really hang out with them. I enjoy when we have those parties, haha because they're a smaller group and we usually hang out all together no small groups. &now I'm one step closer to actually being pro at the waveboard.

Friday, June 19, 2009

the things you say ...

"That's when you start messing up, when you put too much pressure on yourself."
- Trevor Ariza

One thing most people do after the final buzzer goes off when watching an NBA basketball game is turn the tv off or change the channel. Only a few like myself and my cousin Harvey actually keep it on, to watch the interviews, press conferences &replays. I mean just cause they are athletes doesn't mean they don't say interesting things. I've heard some really nice quotes from NBA players, especially Trevor Ariza haha, but seriously others and not just from Kobe, Dwight; it's just cause I've pretty much only heard them recently, I've heard from other NBA players that aren't all stars I'm too lazy to remember who I've watched haha.

I always write down good quotes when I hear them. Recently I have written a few down and from the quotes I've been hearing they motivate me to get to where i want to be(:

Monday, June 15, 2009

2009 NBA Champions

after 7 long years, the Los Angeles Lakers are NBA champions once again ! 2009 is our time to shine (:

some graduation pictures, Jordan class of 2009 !

Monday, June 8, 2009

wrapping it up

friday, June 05, 2009 was my last day of classes in High School . it was sad but we were happy at the same time . the weather sucked, but that did not stop us from having fun (: picked up caps &gowns, took forever . then a few hours later had a last minute random outing. we watched Drag Me to Hell at LBTC yeah .

today i walked trunks . we tried running, but that dog cant run -__-'' . i rearranged my rooms. ill take a raincheck on posting pictures for this blog, im lazy . took a shower then got ready for senior awards night . it was fun, we were all chillin' in front of the gym for a while, but i didn't mind . the ceremony was fun, my hand started to hurt from the clapping . everytime i went up, i stepped on someone's foot hah, sorry guys .

Friday, May 29, 2009

Late night homework session. Hopefully the last time for high school . Good thing and sad at the same time. LESS THAN TWO WEEKS :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

last moore league

well this week IB &AP testing starts &it's also moore league . singles moore league was yesterday . david from lakewood won for boys &i think qyun or whatever from lakewood won for girls . i must say that match for boys #1 was intense, 3rd set &everything . oh yeah IB english paper 1 test was yesterday also . it went by fast i wish i had that test today ! gahh . got home at like 11 yesterday (: soo uhmm today, man im soo nervous . well there's a whole story to my situation right now . so i have my IB euro history test today at 12:30 &i'm taking paper 1 &2 so put together it's going to take 2 hours &30 min . HOWEVER i also have MY girls doubles moore league today at 3:15 ! i talked to ms simpson about leaving early like when i finish my test &she said yeah . but the thing is if we start at 1 paper one will be over at 2 . then i guess i can BS my two essays for paper two &be done by like 230 ? will i make it to wilson by 3:15 ?! i really hope so . best case scenario: we start at exact 12:30 paper one is over by 1:30, then i can finish paper two by like 2:15 ? i really hope so .

unless there's someway that ms simpson lets me start paper two right when i finish paper one, but i doubt that . blahh, we'll see . oh &apparently some student from Jordan got the swine flu, so now my school is on red alert . gahh thanks ... but same wtih LBCC &CSULB (my brother &sister's school) soo we're doomed hah

gahh time is going by soo slow, im just waiting for it to be at least 11 so i can go to school or something, i'm bored at home haha . oh &i'm sick . yes, i know there's a chance it could be swine flu, but i'm praying it's not . i should finish cleaning . im actually getting there .

Saturday, April 25, 2009

the ending of high school badminton .

yeah, so moore league games ended this week . &there's a game today at school at 11 AM, wonder how that is going to go down hah . well there is also still moore league individualist stuff during the first week of may, &i don't get to play my girls doubles game because of freaking IB test rawr . a couple of things have been happening lately, &i'm getting over a few things also yay ? i have mixed feelings going around, however they're taming down, i think i have them in full control now . i'm going to go get ready for the game &what not .

Monday, April 20, 2009

my spring break

well its the monday after spring break, im waiting for it to be like 7:15 to leave hah . my break was okay, my dad was home the whole time, so my brother had to help him with a lot of things . i don't mind, i still got to go out . easter was fun, was with my moms side &i was knocked outtt, since i woke up at like 5:20 that morning haha . hmm let's break this down .

monday: i pretty much stayed home, did homework or at least started . i got an essay done, well i started on saturday but whateverr haha . oh &i gave my dog a bath, yayyy . haha oh yeah, &harvey came over ha .
tuesday: had badminton practice, i drove because i planed on taking "angelica's box" which was a box full of empty water bottles to recycle, but once i got there it was GONE ! someone took it )))): as long as whoever took it, recycles it . then im good . then i dropped off jerry &louie, since im like a bus ehh . i feel bad for jerry, that boy walks FARRRRRRRRRRR . haha yeah .. then i went to drive my aunt to the eye doctors &other errands .
wednesday: had practice again, then marigine took me home . we went to go eat ishh, just went to costco &yeahh nothing much . then i went home &watched a tagalog movie, One More Chance haha . with Bea Alonzo &John Lloyd . oh &started my Heart of Darkness djs . ehh hah .
thursday: im going to say thursday was the funniest day of them all . i have so many pictures from this day, i'll post later . yeah i went to the park to play "tennis" haha a lot were there . alan, jobelle, mike, ritchie, darien, rosally, johny, jeri, kevin, victor, christian, serena, rose, linda, &others . we just chilled &played . then me, rosally, darien &kevin went to go to the bathrooms &on our way there we saw john rey &kathleen &yeahh . then we see delmar &i guess all the other filipino boys are over there . darien, christian &them wanted to play basketball so we moved everything to mine &ritchie's car &went there . there were baseball guys playing ball on the other court, then it was basically the tennis boys vs the filipino boys haha. "Keep the ball away from Bumblebee!" ahah can't get over that haha . took more pictures haha . then ended being a bus again haha took tony, serena, louie &christian home . christian is my new neighbor haha, yayy .
friday: hmm i pulled a mission with my brother to downtown long beach, but we didn't end up getting it hah . then i went to LA with my sister to get my prom dress . whooo i got it too haha . then went to csulb to play badminton . yeahh
saturday; went to the mall to drop off a job application, unfortunately you have to be 18 to work at Bath &Body Works ): then chilled at the mall, met up with rose &linda . after dropped off louie at his cousins, &went to molyta's party . i was with joanna &marisela the whole time . it was fun . yeahh wow, only 10 min passed by &it's still kind of early ..

Sunday, March 29, 2009

the day after .

jess'party yesterday . it was fun, i enjoyed it . too bad my voice was all scratchy from playing badminton friday night then eating out, good thing i didn't get yogurtland like everyone else did &came home late . i woke up early yesterday, i dont know why, &i woke up early on friday for no reason . anyways, yeah the party was cool, i got to hang out with people i don't really hang out with &talk to people i dont really talk to . yeah, i dont know what to say &i think im going to sleep .

Saturday, March 21, 2009


so im fasting right now, because i have to take a cholestorol test today, so im not suppose to eat twelvehours before . &i haven't ate since like 7:30 PM last night, its passed 12 hours, but i still havent gone to the doctors . im freaking hungry ! haahah . i have a couple of things to do this weekend, homework wise ill make a list at the bottom to help myself . yesterday, badminton practice was whatever haha . i played mixed doubles is john rex . oh how i really don't like playing mixed but someone we won both games ... whatever, im not playing mixed .i got out of singles, &told them to make jess singles . wooot . but we're still doubles partners (: uhm after practice i walked home with jess, she stayed over because she didn't want to go home yet . we chilled for like 2 hours, then i dropped her off, we live really close to each other, not like next door stuff but close enough haha . i super knocked out yesterday, i slept at like 8:30 ! haha . yeahh, i think it's cause i slept at 2AM on thursday . im soo hungry ! haha .

i feel left out, when it comes to this stuff . sometimes i wish i had someone there but then again, i DON'T need someone there . its been 17 years like this &im doing better than others .

my list
- history essay
- chemistry bookwork
- chemistry lab write up

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

late start

hmm today is the first day of CAHSEE testing at my school, which means i go to school at 12:30 . oh it feels so good . i only have periods 1,3&5 today which is psychology, english and euro history . so im doing work today haha, but i leave 5th early cause we have our first moore league game against Millikan . we did not even have practice yesterday, due to coaching mishaps . hmm i don't know what to wear today haha, it's not a big deal but since we get all this time to do nothing, might as well find something decent hahaa . like i have anything decent . it's a pretty day today the sun's out and everything . i want to walk the dogs, but my sisters dogs chewed up my dog's leashes -__-'' &he hasn't chewed her own up . hmmm haha . yeahh, im still debating if i should straighten or not, haha i don't really see a need to but i'm just that bored ! haha .

im still being lazy at school, but hey i finished all the homework needed . &i have all A's right, well from the classes that use SchoolLoop . oh yeah, i got accepted to UC Irvine, however im pretty sure im not going there . HELLO CSULB . i don't mind going there, maybe my parents will get me a car hahh ...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

showing symptoms of

ever since badminton practices started i've been lazy compared to how i was with schoolwork before hah . usually i would walk home after coops class, stop by my grandmas be home by 2 . then i would do homework till 6 &then take a shower . uhh homework until a laker game starts, &if there was none, computer when im done . now when i get home i do math homework &a few things but i stay on the computer forever &watch the laker games sitting at my computer desk . how lame . in coop's class i don't take things AS serious, thanks to michelle who gets me distracted haha im not blaming her . in ms zizz's class im not getting good scores on a few things, although i still have an A . mr baligad's class, im getting angry because we don't do anything that i think will help me on the AP test ... math class, is going okay . chemistry, we just recently changed teachers &yeahh . i haven't been turning my 6th period work, but honestly ... no one has ... but yeah, as you can see im not SUPER hardworking self lately, &as much as i don't want to say this but ... i think ... i'm .. getting, seniorities . don't worry i think this is just a little phase . 3 more months is all there is ..

oh &badminton stuff .. oh ill save that for another blog ...

Thursday, February 26, 2009


badminton is having a great start for me, a few changes for the whole league, but we'll get used to it . im playing girls singles #2 &girl's doubles #1 with Jess . yayuh no mixed doubles for me ha . anyways, my room's a mess, &my hair is poofyy, cause it's short . you know thick hair when shirt gets poofy, therefore it needs to grow long &heavy to keep the hair straight, yaddamean .


Sunday, February 22, 2009

for reals this time .

no excuses this time, im going to try really hard, real hard .

badminton practices started, yay . no complains so far, yeah the new coaches do a couple of things differently, but its not bad changes; hopefully it's for the better . i need to get shoe insoles, for my flat feet . -__-'' i have a weak arch, if a normal arch was a "C" then my arch is a parentheses "(" haha . i didn't have much homework this weekend, ohh what a good thing .

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


pretty cool, huh?
good three-day weekend, pretty productive i must say . my physical was yesterday, found out something about my body, kinda scaryish ? not that bad not too good, but it leans more to bad ? hah, but its not really that big . i have so much to say, but i wanna save it for another day .

Lakers, woah babyy ! perfect roadtrip 6-0.
they won all games, beat the celtics &cavs, broke both of their teams personal records (celtics 12 win, &cavs 23 home wins), kobes 61, lamars big games, &a trade ! all of this with losing Andrew Bynum once again . hope he gets wells soon .

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

free time for now

finishing homework around 9 is a great feeling . well not ALL my homework, but yeah i get that feeling that i did it . i've been getting free time, as in not computer or not tv haha . today, i played piano for an hour well i've been doing that since it came here haha, good feeling . its been a few years, since i actually played piano like how i've been playing it recently haha . &i also read a chapter of the Great Gatsby, i know it's school reading; however i like the book so much that it feels like im reading it for pleasure . except the whole marking the book stuff, but im used it that already . &im about to play DS, after i do devotion . usually im always doing homework &up til like 1AM thinking about stuff, because i always have homework &stuff on my mind . its only 11:04 &im going to brush my teeth &all that junk soon . i really enjoy this free time stuff, because in 2 weeks badminton practice is going to start so i get home around 4 . *sigh, well i hope this relaxed feeling comes back soon .

my dad came back today, i kept saying it over &over at school . i missed him, ill admit it . we barely talked today, we'll we barely talk, but yeahh . its a lowkey missed feeling i guess ? hey, he brought me dried mangos &polvoron (: glad he's home safe, however im going to miss that car of his . haha .

today in chemistry it was good talking as the trio or whatever . me, vanny &michael were reminicising about the past years . how we all had band freshman year, &how we were . then sophomore year, i don't think we really talked to each other . then we talked about junior year &how people liked someone haha . &how

im still sore . it hurts soo much to get up from sitting down, it hurts to sit down, &it hurts to walk . horrible . espescially going down the stairs on the science building &im coming from the third floor, thank God i have lunch after 4th period .

Monday, February 2, 2009

how do the pros do it?

owwwwwwww ! yes i used onomatopoeia<, because i needed to express how sore i am right now . first day of conditioning for badminton, &i can barely bend my legs . i couildn't even run a whole lap after a few foot exercises, i literally walked half of it . i dont know how the professional athletes do it, from the NBA to the NFL, to the Olympics . while i was walking home, i could barely move my thighs &everything else was so sore . highlight of my day: Kobe dropped 61 on the Knicks at Madison Square Garden . (most points anyone has made over there)

winter formal, wasn't that great . there wasn't much people, so it felt like the dance floor was empty, well to me anyways . it was okay though, i guess . the superbowl had me up of my feet, i went for steelers, glad i did . i watched it at home, i was all alone &i was playing piano for most of the time . until the last few minutes of the 4th . i screamed when holmes had that touchdown, &i waited for the signal to celebrate . i don't really watch football, or anything about it but i payed attention kinda .

one picture from that night: Kabuki, i was watching the laker game over there .

Thursday, January 29, 2009

chapped nose

apparently im not the only one with a really runny nose, sore throat, cough, &chapped nose my cousin has a cold too . funny conversation, i'd thought i should share .

cousin: what did you do with your chappend nose...

Auto response from me:
chapped nose ?

cousin: i have one too
cousin: i put the thingy for the lips..
cousin: dont work
me: vaseline ?
cousin: i tried
me: vicks

me: your nose still runny ?
cousin: yeaa
cousin: all this week
cousin: i hate it
cousin: it seems like it goes forever
me: haha .
me: SAME .
me: there
me: ahaaaa !
cousin: dont you run out of sinus or booger
me: for like 2minutes .
me: aha .
cousin: xD
me: remember when i was sick during the summer ?
me: my nose was chapped too -__-''
cousin: yea
cousin: ..howd our nose gets chapped?
me: ROFL
me: google .
me: aha
me: internet says put vaseline .
cousin: ohh i have nasal spray
cousin: ..found it in the bathroom
cousin: it looks...scary
cousin: i dont want that in my nose
me: roflroflroflrofl HAHAH!
cousin: should i try it?
me: yes .
me: man i dont have that .
me: aha
cousin: it looks big.

cousin: im still runny
cousin: ok wait.
cousin: lemme find some vix
cousin: I CAN BREATHE!
me: haha .
cousin: how long will it last?
me: two min
me: hah
me: idk ,
cousin: thats it
cousin: ....egh
cousin: good enough.i guess
cousin: hows your nose?
me: i can breath
me: you ?
cousin: good good.
me: for now hah
cousin: yea
me: it hasnt came back yet ?
cousin: somewhat..its coming back
me: ohh, mines back nwo ./
me: aha
cousin: mines still goin

me: wow, if you look at my desk there's soo much used tissue.
me: aha .
cousin: hah
cousin: i just blow my nose on the kitchen
me: aha.
cousin: i started doing that because my mom told me that i wasted too much paper towel
me: i would have to walk back &fouirth everyone min .

me: ROFLLL !

i only put the good parts, where we're talking about my colds haha . then it ended with what we usually talk about haha

me: i see trevor ariza in this video (:
cousin: xD
cousin: knew you were gonna say that
me: duhh .
cousin: xD
me: the guitar hero one
me: sasha" he's a rack stur"
me: ahaa
cousin: hahha
cousin: yea i seen taht
me: me too .
cousin: sasha is a fob

haha yup . as i was looking up ways to stop my nose i came across this little tip to stop it .
"If your nose becomes really runny, sniff a marker. The fumes will supress the nasal glands from producing mucus. It has basically the same effect as Vick's Vaporub. " - Mary Gold . (

wow, that shows how different the United Kingdom is from us, i guess ?

Sunday, January 25, 2009


pretty much the best show ever . who would have ever thought that a show about a monotone high school outcast would have been this interesting . well for me it sure is . i remember watching this show in like elementary school when it aired on MTV . i can say this show is one of my all time favorite cartoons just before Braceface .

Saturday, January 24, 2009

lonely days

first off, i want to thank God that finals are over &for everything that he has done for not just me but all of us. finals went by fast, i only had 3.5 ? finals haha . the .5 is my chemistry final long story . teacher's still not back .

one day this past week, i was walking home &stopped by my grandmas house like always . &my grandma was awake (she's usually sleeping when i come by) so i got to talk to her, one days like that i feel like im having a good day, because it doesn't usually happen . yesterday i got out at 10 AM, cause i only had one final . i went over to poppy &kuya mario was there &i stayed since no one else was there . we make a good team .

yesterday i went to my first CPYF bible study . i wasn't lonely much my brother, harvey &their friend kevin was there . aparently they went last week too . before that i went to an outting with my camp small group at Guppies . unfortunately joyce couldn't make it, but i ended seeing her at bible study . it was fun, i enjoyed it .

please don't misread my title, it's not "lonely" everyone else uses as being single, but its the lonely where no one is there to talk to . for example both my mom &brother are sleeping and its 7:45 PM on a Saturday . my mom didn't even ask where i was going before i left &she didn't call when i was out . i texted my friend during my time out, &she said she had no batteries and so yeah . since there was no one for me to talk to, i called my dad in the philippines, &used a "what's your yearly income for fafsa" excuse just so i could talk to someone . that's really sad when you have to call someone on the other side of the world so you can talk to someone . he was in a hurry to get off as well . at least i got a "i love you" before hanging up . during my time alone, i went to target &got shorts for badminton, &as i was going to the candy isle, i heard someone call my name &it was Merry Touch . it was good to see her, we had a little conversation it helped my sad feeling . i got gummy bears &expected to eat them with my brother, while watching NBA tv when i get home . but i guess that was to much to expect since he's sleeping . so here i am, alone, talking to a keyboard or whatever, with a few tears falling across my face .

Monday, January 19, 2009

24 > 23

three day weekend, felt good . but i was bored out of my mind today, i think i would've rather been at school haha, but i got my dog cleaned so i did something . i need to read the great gatsby, especially since im not getting 50 points extra credit, cause im not buying the book . i didnt really study for psychology yet, BUT i finished the review sheet, sooooon . &that's about all i need to do for finals, since no one has any idea what's going to be on coops final blahh, &that's my only B &its a minus -__-'' .

laker game tonight, was niice . we blew the cavs . it wasn't about "who's better kobe or lebron" it was about the whole team . &the lakers showed that it was them, from their bigs to their bench . hope all is well for kobe &his pinky .

dad left for philippines today, hope he gets their safe . he'll be back febuary 3 ? i think . i get to use his car, but im not gonna go out all the time, spend money, drive people &all that junk; maybe outings but not just because i have the car . i bought my formal dress yesterday, it's nothing big . purple it is, i didnt have a color choice, it was whatever nice dress &purple (a laker color) was the only color &it was cheap hah . oh yeah, i bought a yoga mat; dont ask haha .

school tomorrow, &obama's inauguration . lets hope that he keeps his promises &doesn't let us down . then wed-friday is finals . pray for a good, safe, nice week .

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

split ends aren't worth it .

like i said in my last blog, i just keep on pulling out my split ends . i don't split the ends, i just pull them out, if that makes any sense . once i get started it takes me forever to stop, i usually have to tie it up . sad, i know ..

on the bright side, this is a WARM week, its like 80's &70's, i know in the middle of winter ?! well that's just how it works in Southern California . i think today was the hottest day of the week, the five day forcast says so, or is it seven now-a-days .. whatever .

there's a few dates i need to keep in mind, for the 2 upcoming weeks or for the rest of the month .
my second draft of my internal is due on friday .
no school, dad leaves for the philippines &lakers vs cavs on the 19 .
first semester finals 21-23
my final extended essay is due on the 22 .
small group outing on the 23 .
winter formal on the 31 .

i think it's time to erase my whiteboard because it still says "december 08) hah . &i need to find a dress for formal, my first attempt will be this weekend, hopefully .

Sunday, January 11, 2009

increase productivity

this weekend, i didn't do much at all . the only things i did that was productive was clean my room, give my dog a bath, go to church, &do a lazy job on my homework . only that for 3 days ! talk about lazy . oh &i made a polyatomic chart &put it on my wall, to help me memorize the charges, formulas &such .

i need to stop pulling my split ends ! if there was some way to practice not touching them, i would do it 24/7 . this very second im trying hard to not touch it . i blogtv'd yesterday with my brother &cousin, to alvin &harvey's friend . it was okay, we just danced &looked stupid . im gonna try &sleep early today, so ill end this nonsense blog now .

Friday, January 9, 2009

connections, somewhat ..

another earthquake today, nothing really big . i think i was shaking my leg, then i stopped &i was like is this an earthquake ? then yeahh . is it me or are earthquakes occuring more often ? i know that earthquakes are always happening, but they're usually so weak that no one can feel it.

so i turned my not finished extended essay into an internal assessment for coop today, i just had to get rid of 506 words . believe me that's not easy, i had to get rid of a lot of things . i have to add like at least 500 words to the extended essay to complete it for ms zizz .i wasn't stressing over it, i didn't have much to research anything, cause i had too much info . i just started to get all stressy like because i said i wanted it done by 12 haha, &i did (:

this one administrator from my school, Dr. Mims came to jordan i think last year &now he left to be the principal at Westchester High School in LA . &guess who graduated from there ... yup, Trevor Ariza ahaha that's pretty crazy . i know we didn't really like Dr. Mims, cause he thought he ruled the school &he was just an administrator but heyy now he can act like that cause he's the principal . honestly i didn't really like the way he was to us, but he was nice to me haha . he was on campus today, cause LAUSD schools are still on break &this one girl was like "why is he here?" . well if you watch this video, you'll see that Trevor Ariza still stops by the school &talks to the basketball team and such, and that Kobe Bryant "adopted" the school &he visits once in a while too . i was telling my cousn about this &i told him i shoulda went up to Dr. Mims &say "get kobe &trevor to come visit jordan" haha but that's kinda messed up . doing the whole i dont like you, but you have the hook ups &be all nice to him kinda deal . basically using the guy . but yeahh, i wouldn't even say anything to him, unless he called me . wow that's long haha .

my dads going to the philippines on the 19 and is going to be gone til feburary 3 . that meanss, i have a car for like three weeks . he's not going to be here during finals week &winter formal . yeah, but im not going to go out &party like something my sister would do ... that also means that its gonna be just me &my mom at home for three weeks, cause my brothers never home .

usually stuff like this doesnt affect me but today i got friend requests, comments, texts & a whole lot of IMs all regarding different things . but they all made me feel happy, helpful &wanted, well not exactly but somewhere around there . its not like i never get this, but today all of it put together had a good affect on me (:

random picture: blood drive day .

Thursday, January 8, 2009

sleeping 101

if there was really a class, i would take it . since i seriously don't understand how everytime i take a nap &sleep early, i end up waking up late ... &when i sleep late with a nap or without a nap (doesn't matter still less sleep than sleeping early) i end up waking normal . blah, i guess in order for me to wake up early, i sleep late .

oh my lakers, won today with their lost from yesterday &lamar odom got injured . but he's not seriously injured . hopefully he's back by friday's game, not like that game is big, just saying haha . farmar &walton are still out, due to injuries; hmmm &their both close friends, they planned it so they didn't have to play, just kidding . trevor ariza ♥ had a good game today, season high with 17 points? he had the highest plus points thingys with a +21 (:

i am curious to see Lamar play against Lebron, next monday . cause my brother keeps saying "lamar can be as good as lebron, if he wanted to."

speaking of my brother, he's like never home anymore . a friend was saying how he's the only one home now from his 3 other siblings, one moved out, another in iraq, &the other on the east coast &how he's the only one at home . he was like he's the only child blah . &i realized "heyyy, me tooooo ." not something to be happy about . i mean my sister lives across the street or whatever, but she doesn't stay here long, &my brother is always out, so its basically me, &my parents at home now . at this very moment it's just us three . normally i would never refer to me &my parents as "us three", it usally is me, my brother &sister . but hey things change ...

Monday, January 5, 2009

oh nine so fine

drive better
sooo its O9, im finally driving (: i drove on my own to target on new years eve to get a new camera then today i went to another target to buy a new planner . i drove yesterday but siblings in the car . i think im driving fine, but i know i have to keep on practicing . enough about my driving rants. almost spent the countdown in my sisters car, made it just in time . thank god, rightt ?

school started today, it was a good first day back didn't get homework from my classes, finished She's the Man in english class . we got a new permanent sub in chemistry he's cool this time . yuppp . Secret Life of the American Teenager, Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill all came back today yayuhh, &direct tv doesn't overlap any of the three . just wait till Chuck comes back . Badminton Tryouts tomorrow, hope it goes well . i wonder if i get a say in the tryouts (just cause the TC is me hah)

flashback of 2008

January: Dominique's debut

February: art class fun, i miss it .

March: CAHSEE DAYS&badminton games/practices .

April: Last day of Spring Break, seahorseee (:

May: Moore League, second last day with braces

June: Kuya &Wilfreds graduation

July: Summer School, woke up early for church

August: Youth Camp

September: random picture

October: Spirit Week - decades day (we went 80's)

November: Birthday Collaboration

December: S&G Starbucks Christmas Show