Monday, April 20, 2009

my spring break

well its the monday after spring break, im waiting for it to be like 7:15 to leave hah . my break was okay, my dad was home the whole time, so my brother had to help him with a lot of things . i don't mind, i still got to go out . easter was fun, was with my moms side &i was knocked outtt, since i woke up at like 5:20 that morning haha . hmm let's break this down .

monday: i pretty much stayed home, did homework or at least started . i got an essay done, well i started on saturday but whateverr haha . oh &i gave my dog a bath, yayyy . haha oh yeah, &harvey came over ha .
tuesday: had badminton practice, i drove because i planed on taking "angelica's box" which was a box full of empty water bottles to recycle, but once i got there it was GONE ! someone took it )))): as long as whoever took it, recycles it . then im good . then i dropped off jerry &louie, since im like a bus ehh . i feel bad for jerry, that boy walks FARRRRRRRRRRR . haha yeah .. then i went to drive my aunt to the eye doctors &other errands .
wednesday: had practice again, then marigine took me home . we went to go eat ishh, just went to costco &yeahh nothing much . then i went home &watched a tagalog movie, One More Chance haha . with Bea Alonzo &John Lloyd . oh &started my Heart of Darkness djs . ehh hah .
thursday: im going to say thursday was the funniest day of them all . i have so many pictures from this day, i'll post later . yeah i went to the park to play "tennis" haha a lot were there . alan, jobelle, mike, ritchie, darien, rosally, johny, jeri, kevin, victor, christian, serena, rose, linda, &others . we just chilled &played . then me, rosally, darien &kevin went to go to the bathrooms &on our way there we saw john rey &kathleen &yeahh . then we see delmar &i guess all the other filipino boys are over there . darien, christian &them wanted to play basketball so we moved everything to mine &ritchie's car &went there . there were baseball guys playing ball on the other court, then it was basically the tennis boys vs the filipino boys haha. "Keep the ball away from Bumblebee!" ahah can't get over that haha . took more pictures haha . then ended being a bus again haha took tony, serena, louie &christian home . christian is my new neighbor haha, yayy .
friday: hmm i pulled a mission with my brother to downtown long beach, but we didn't end up getting it hah . then i went to LA with my sister to get my prom dress . whooo i got it too haha . then went to csulb to play badminton . yeahh
saturday; went to the mall to drop off a job application, unfortunately you have to be 18 to work at Bath &Body Works ): then chilled at the mall, met up with rose &linda . after dropped off louie at his cousins, &went to molyta's party . i was with joanna &marisela the whole time . it was fun . yeahh wow, only 10 min passed by &it's still kind of early ..

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