Monday, August 10, 2009

First ride

Went riding with Grace, Kevin and Justin, it was a good first ride. I need to get used to a few things like, having the cars pass by so close! My only really big complain was getting dark, like no lie; for those that know me, I don't really like to get dark. Once we reached our destination (Wilmer and Wilfred's house) it was whatever I wasn't really tired, but now that I'm home, wowwwwwwww I'm tired haha. Looking forward to more rides with my bike, but not too much haha.

Also, major thanks to Kevin and Ban for patching up the hole on my bike's tube, that I named Brian.

I learned a couple of things from this ride:
1. Watch out what I'm biking on, so nothing harms my bike's tires
2. Bring a jacket or anything with long-sleeves, so I don't get dark.
3. Find something to cover my face, so my face doesn't get dark.
4. Naming a bike is not easy, that's why i have so many "my bike" on this blog.

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