Friday, January 9, 2009

connections, somewhat ..

another earthquake today, nothing really big . i think i was shaking my leg, then i stopped &i was like is this an earthquake ? then yeahh . is it me or are earthquakes occuring more often ? i know that earthquakes are always happening, but they're usually so weak that no one can feel it.

so i turned my not finished extended essay into an internal assessment for coop today, i just had to get rid of 506 words . believe me that's not easy, i had to get rid of a lot of things . i have to add like at least 500 words to the extended essay to complete it for ms zizz .i wasn't stressing over it, i didn't have much to research anything, cause i had too much info . i just started to get all stressy like because i said i wanted it done by 12 haha, &i did (:

this one administrator from my school, Dr. Mims came to jordan i think last year &now he left to be the principal at Westchester High School in LA . &guess who graduated from there ... yup, Trevor Ariza ahaha that's pretty crazy . i know we didn't really like Dr. Mims, cause he thought he ruled the school &he was just an administrator but heyy now he can act like that cause he's the principal . honestly i didn't really like the way he was to us, but he was nice to me haha . he was on campus today, cause LAUSD schools are still on break &this one girl was like "why is he here?" . well if you watch this video, you'll see that Trevor Ariza still stops by the school &talks to the basketball team and such, and that Kobe Bryant "adopted" the school &he visits once in a while too . i was telling my cousn about this &i told him i shoulda went up to Dr. Mims &say "get kobe &trevor to come visit jordan" haha but that's kinda messed up . doing the whole i dont like you, but you have the hook ups &be all nice to him kinda deal . basically using the guy . but yeahh, i wouldn't even say anything to him, unless he called me . wow that's long haha .

my dads going to the philippines on the 19 and is going to be gone til feburary 3 . that meanss, i have a car for like three weeks . he's not going to be here during finals week &winter formal . yeah, but im not going to go out &party like something my sister would do ... that also means that its gonna be just me &my mom at home for three weeks, cause my brothers never home .

usually stuff like this doesnt affect me but today i got friend requests, comments, texts & a whole lot of IMs all regarding different things . but they all made me feel happy, helpful &wanted, well not exactly but somewhere around there . its not like i never get this, but today all of it put together had a good affect on me (:

random picture: blood drive day .

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