Saturday, March 21, 2009


so im fasting right now, because i have to take a cholestorol test today, so im not suppose to eat twelvehours before . &i haven't ate since like 7:30 PM last night, its passed 12 hours, but i still havent gone to the doctors . im freaking hungry ! haahah . i have a couple of things to do this weekend, homework wise ill make a list at the bottom to help myself . yesterday, badminton practice was whatever haha . i played mixed doubles is john rex . oh how i really don't like playing mixed but someone we won both games ... whatever, im not playing mixed .i got out of singles, &told them to make jess singles . wooot . but we're still doubles partners (: uhm after practice i walked home with jess, she stayed over because she didn't want to go home yet . we chilled for like 2 hours, then i dropped her off, we live really close to each other, not like next door stuff but close enough haha . i super knocked out yesterday, i slept at like 8:30 ! haha . yeahh, i think it's cause i slept at 2AM on thursday . im soo hungry ! haha .

i feel left out, when it comes to this stuff . sometimes i wish i had someone there but then again, i DON'T need someone there . its been 17 years like this &im doing better than others .

my list
- history essay
- chemistry bookwork
- chemistry lab write up

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