Wednesday, March 11, 2009

showing symptoms of

ever since badminton practices started i've been lazy compared to how i was with schoolwork before hah . usually i would walk home after coops class, stop by my grandmas be home by 2 . then i would do homework till 6 &then take a shower . uhh homework until a laker game starts, &if there was none, computer when im done . now when i get home i do math homework &a few things but i stay on the computer forever &watch the laker games sitting at my computer desk . how lame . in coop's class i don't take things AS serious, thanks to michelle who gets me distracted haha im not blaming her . in ms zizz's class im not getting good scores on a few things, although i still have an A . mr baligad's class, im getting angry because we don't do anything that i think will help me on the AP test ... math class, is going okay . chemistry, we just recently changed teachers &yeahh . i haven't been turning my 6th period work, but honestly ... no one has ... but yeah, as you can see im not SUPER hardworking self lately, &as much as i don't want to say this but ... i think ... i'm .. getting, seniorities . don't worry i think this is just a little phase . 3 more months is all there is ..

oh &badminton stuff .. oh ill save that for another blog ...

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