Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Late night blogging #4

Because that's how cold it is in my house.

Telling you now, this is gonna be a really random blog... I'm probably awake because my sleeping pattern is pretty messed up at the moment, even more than usual. Anyways since it's the last week of classes, today was my last Tuesday, I'm only mentioning this because this semester was Two Class Tuesday which I really enjoyed. However, I totally didn't even have a two class Tuesday today, since I didn't go to my first class today. Soo lame, you know those days when it's so cold you don't want to wake up so you stay in bed, then next thing you know it's like 45 min after... yeah that was today, well it's been like that the past few days ha... I even tried to give myself motivation to wake up early for class today, which was so lame... it was to put on makeup for school tomorrow (I normally don't put on makeup, actually I normally don't dress up for school...), so I would have to be able to wake up early to put it on... Total fail. At least with me leaving an hour later than usual, I did something quite helpful... I woke up my sister haha, and she totally was running late and she had an exam this morning. So my waking up late wasn't totally useless...

It was a weird Tuesday, I felt like I didn't really have to go to class today. In German class we were suppose to take a makeup quiz to replace our lowest score and then get our first draft back but, he wasn't done editing them. And my quiz scores are pretty decent, so whatever. I had the whole idea in my head, I shouldn't have came to school today... but that would just be me being lazy and laziness is so not God glorifying.

Random Post, Random List
2. This week is going by so slow.
3. I don't really like chick flicks. HAHA.
4. I've been watching old videos lately.
5. I'm sad that there's no bible study tomorrow haha, and that I missed the last C&C bible study of the year haha.
6. It's okay, I can use the time to spend in my own personal studies in the Word.
7. Thinking of replaying Kingdom Hearts 2 over break, or finish Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations.
8. Winter break... patiently waiting.

Monday, December 5, 2011

I totally shouldn't be on here.

I can't help it, cause I don't know what else I need to know for tomorrows lab practicum... Man, totally just have to hang on for two more weeks, til winter break.. well that is, only if the Lord hasn't called me home by then. Another opportunity to practice that patience again.

So today, I as I was freezing in my room while studying; I decided to, turn on a heater in my room, then go eat dinner which happened to be my favorite fried fish and rice (no, really) and make some hot tea, cause I dislike the cold and love tea aha. Anyways, then after I prayed and started eating, I realized while freezing, that I was eating my favorite food, drinking uhh I guess you can say a favorite drink, and had a heater warming up my room as I eat and drink this wonderful meal haha and that was when I totally felt grateful. I mean here I am hungry, freezing in cold weather while studying for a final; then I just see God's providence right in front of my face.

I'm hungry, and I've been provided food on the table once again.
I'm freezing, but I'm blessed with a roof over my head and a heater!
I'm studying for a final, which means I've been given an opportunity to go to college.

Like seriously, the Lord has been so gracious to me and I'm very glad that He (not myself, but Him. *Psalm 16:2) has been reminding me that He has. It reminded me something that the senior pastor at my local church (www.sbcac.org), Pastor Felix said while preaching two Sundays ago, I remember him saying something along the lines of "God sent us problems so we will praise Him." So there I was with problems somewhat, and then totally praising Him! An amazing God, He is. Sorry I can't think of a verse at the moment that totally goes with His providence, forgive me. But, how bout you share a verse that does (: I'd totally appreciate it. I can't really think straight right now, and yes I know it's not an excuse... Okay, I should get back to studying... or sleep ha.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Late night blogging #3

Well it's not that late, but this is just another random post. So I'm totally listening to a symphony video right now..

The film score for this movie is so pretty!

Admit it, you guys agree. At 3:38 is the best part! Makes me want to get a new A-string even more... not like it's gonna make me sound like the violins in this video though, especially at 1:06.

Man, that John Williams is one talented dude. However I know someone who is beyond greater than anyone and above all. Yes, Yahweh himself, who I just want to praise for totally humbling me on Monday night. Even though school has gotten quite serious with all the work and challenges given to me, a few minutes after I started to somewhat cry... and I usually don't cry, I was able to find comfort in my heavenly Father, through His Word.

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing... Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.
- James 1:2-4,12-15

What would giving up and not trying anymore get me? I would just be relying on myself to get through trials, basically having faith in myself... which is totally useless, because I haven't done anything. Unlike Christ, He has done something. Through His death and resurrection, God's elect has been saved from God's wrath. Just as the apostle Paul writes in his lovely letter to the church in Ephesus, " For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God..." (Ephesians 2:8) and this is why I don't have faith in myself, but in Christ, and this is why through trials, I have joy because the situation where I am at now, I can use it to give glory to God. You see, I wanted to give up and quit for my own selfish wants; although I wouldn't be bearing the image of God. Christ who was the exact replica of the image of God, didn't quit on anything, the only thing He gave up was His life, for His body (or the universal church)! What a gracious Lord we have! And I just praise Him for reminding me of all of this and for allowing me to strengthen my faith by bringing such a trial (nothing serious) into my life. So, I ask for prayers with school not only for me, but for everyone else in school. Finals are coming up, and winter break is almost here! Also if anyone has any prayer requests, let me know! I'll gladly pray for you.

Wowww... I don't know how I went from Jurassic Park to prayer requests... haha okay, well whatever. Goodnight!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Number 11.

Aww man, I missed it by a minute.. I normally write out the date but it's still 11:12 11/11/2011 ... haha it's okay. Today isn't really significant for me, but 11 just happens to be my favorite number. Ever since elementary school, I remember saying that 11 was my favorite number because my birthday was in November and it's the 11th month of the year and since my birthday is 11/01/1991, I remember thinking if 1 should be my favorite number instead, but I thought that it was too simple and boring for a favorite number. Back then, I liked to have unique favorite things, so all the things that have been my favorite since elementary probably has some weird reasoning behind it. So I leave you tonight with a list.

11 favorites.
1. Eleven is my favorite number.
2. Green is my favorite color.
3. James is my favorite book of the Bible so far... However all the books of the Bible are good, even though I haven't read all of it...
4. Dragon Ball Z is my favorite Cartoon.
5. Trunks is my favorite Character. Hence why my dog was named after him.
6. Oceans Eleven is my favorite movie all time. Just realized that it had Eleven in it's title..
7. The Lion King is my favorite Disney movie.
8. The Violin is my favorite instrument. Not trying to be biased, but I love the sound of one.
9. Nitrogen is my favorite element.
10. Seafood is my favorite type of food.
11. Heist movies are my favorite type of movies.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ich weiß nicht einen Titel.

Actually finding time to write on here! Having no 8am ochem lab tomorrow, and also finding out my 11 am inorganic lecture is cancelled for tomorrow, totally is a factor to me on here right now. 8am everyday is really hard on my body, but nonetheless school is still a blessing. I seriously don't know how to say all the things I want to say... probably gonna end up with a list hah. Opportunities to share the Gospel with classmates, it's quite exciting, especially when they initiate talking about the Bible or God or Church. The transitioning process, it's a bittersweet feeling, but it's God's will not mine. Trusting in the Lord, prayer, and finding comfort in Him no one else or nothing else. Philippians 4:5-7. Yes, it's that same passage that's been showing up everywhere! Man, why is it so hard to express feelings? However, I can say that I'm quite excited for the rest of this week (:

Today and thoughts.
1. Two class Tuesday.
2. German Midterm.
3. Starbucks with Sam, Loris and Micah.
4. Ephesians midterm studying.
5. Only class tomorrow is Calc.
6. Set.
7. I don't even know what I wanted to say earlier.
8. Feels good that I actually had to arrange my parking for street-sweeping, cause I'll still be home at 8 hahaha.
9. Pursue holiness. Focus on Christ. Philippians 3:13-14. Hebrews 12:1-3
10. Patience.
11. Discipline.
12. Ich mag Deutsch sprechen.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Note to self. Oh and you too.

Pursue holiness. Please God, not man.

No matter how many times I say this, it's never going to express how thankful I really am. I know I say this everywhere, all the time, but thank you God, for your mercy and grace.

Monday, September 26, 2011

2 months

I knew today was the 26th after writing it a couple of times for class today, but I barely realized tonight that it's the 26th! Haha 2 months since Nanay left this earth, and 2 months that she's worshiping God and rejoicing in heaven with Christ and all our other brothers and sisters. Miss you Nanay!

I love my sisters in Christ

Haha super random, but me and Sam were bored. Love you Jeremae

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Supposed to be doing homework

So I'm supposed to be doing homework right now, but I'm a little distracted haha. I was singing praise songs then I came across a song, that I don't have on my computer (like the track) and so I youtubed it and sang along. Do you guys ever just sing songs and don't really listen to the lyrics? Well, I was doing that with this particular song, I knew the main picture of it, but to actually just hear what the words are saying. After hearing the song in 3 different versions or covers, the 3rd version hit me pretty bad hahaha. I don't know if it was because it was a lot slower, or acoustic or whatever but it was, I seriously just got distracted even more.

I have not much
To offer You
Not near what You deserve
But still I come
Because Your cross
Has placed in me my worth

Oh, Christ my King
Of sympathy
Whose wounds secure my peace
Your grace extends
To call me friend
Your mercy sets me free

And I know I'm weak
I know I'm unworthy
To call upon Your name
But because of grace
Because of Your mercy
I stand here unashamed

I can't explain
This kind of love
I'm humbled and amazed
That You'd come down
From heavens heights
And greet me face to face

Here I am at Your feet
In my brokeness complete

Wow. This song is super humbling, because I truly do not deserve anything, I know I say this all the time, but I say it because it's true and I want you to know the same thing goes for you. "But God, being so rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ --by grace you have been saved-- and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus" - Ephesians 2:4-7

Thursday, September 8, 2011


So much to do, why am I so happy?

Although I am exhausted
I am still up and awake,
Although I am taking more units than I have ever took
I am adding another two units to take ,
Although I want to take my required classes and graduate
I am taking a class that doesn't go toward my degree,
Although I have so much homework and studying to do
I am on my laptop writing a blog for you to see,
Although I've lost my lovely travel mug that I use for tea
I am still able to go on through the day,
Although I am a sinner
I am saved from sin through the death that only Jesus Christ could pay
Although I have so many worries in my life,
I have peace in my heart and rejoice in the Lord for his grace.

So why am I so happy with so much homework, studying, and things to do? Because I have received something that I don't deserve, and there is nothing I can do to deserve it. But yet I still, I receive this wonderful, glorious, holy gift. So yeah, I always have a reason to so happy; I gotta keep reminding myself that.

Lord, you truly are amazing. With all the worldly distractions you open my eyes and allow me to just focus on you. Something only you could do Lord, and I praise you for it, for all of it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nostalgia? Not quite.

So I've been going through plenty of middle school things, such as pictures, blog posts, and mixed CDs that I made back then. well more of 8th grade. It's weird, but it just brings back so many different feelings. There were so many times where I caught myself laughing at my embarrassing self, I mean c'mon it's middle school. After reading my old xanga posts, I constantly posted about how being in orchestra was my favorite thing in school. One thing I remember about orchestra in 8th grade, was 4 girls sitting next to each other in a row... we would talk about boys A LOT haha, so bad... but true. I especially loved being in orchestra when the orchestra and band got to work together for concerts, assemblies, festivals, field trips and stuff, the BEST. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the other things about 8th grade like how everyone all hung out at the same spot at lunch, everyone in class knew each other, having really chill teachers, ahh there's so many things about it that I enjoyed. I'm not gonna lie, I was way more social then, than I am now... haha I would always be on the phone with someone, and be on aim talking to a couple of people, playing computer games with people, going to the mall every Friday, meeting new people every week, MySpace, etc. it's crazy. Because now I'm not totally not like that, I barely talk on the phone, I rarely hangout with friends, I don't go on aim as much, and I don't play computer games. So weird... After reading most of my 8th grade xanga posts, it's funny how one little thing could make me super emotional back then. Then today getting a random phone call from a friend I met and got super close to in 8th grade totally couldn't have came at a better time haha. Totally reminisced and talked about how ridiculous we acted back then. It felt good, getting to discuss funny things, and you know simply talking about "back then". I love it when someone tells you a really funny story and you were in it, but totally forgot about it, I mean friends are quite helpful in that department. I highly recommended you to reminisce with someone else instead of doing it alone, it really adds more umph to the moment haha.

I find it very odd how every time middle school comes up in a conversation today, I will always say "I hated middle school." and I probably didn't like it because looking back at me back then, I was embarrassed of the things I did, thought, and the person I was. I think that I say that, I hated middle school is because of my pride; and looking back, seeing me act so foolishly, was something I was never wanted to think about since it hurt my ego. However this time my looking back was different, I actually said out loud, "I miss middle school." Although I had embarrassing moments I don't care anymore, that's a really big part of middle school haha, and I praise God for blessing me with such a wonderful experience and blessing me with 3 years of embarrassing moments, crushes, nonsense emotions, tantrums, and basically growing up. Remembering how I said that I hated middle school, totally just allowed me to see how prideful I am, there's nothing in my life that I regret because everything that has happened to me has been a blessing from God, because my life alone is already a gift from God, and the fact that Christ has allowed all of this to happen truly humbles me. Yes today, I did say "I wish I could go back to 8th grade" but I am not yearning for the past. I am perfectly fine with my life now, although at times it may not seem like it, I am thankful for EVERYTHING that God has graciously given me.

Things to help you when reminiscing about the past.
1. Don't do it alone, it's way better to reminisce with someone else.
2. Look through everything during that time, pictures, blogs, journal entries, letters, music, etc.
3. Remember that God is sovereign and things are the way things are today.
4. Enjoy!
5. Glorify God. Do it all the time. 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Friday, August 5, 2011

List #12

Sapitans. Nanay's children and their spouses, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren

Past few weeks or so
1. July 26, 2011. My grandma went home to the LORD and is now enjoying being in His presence.
2. Lots of Sapitan and Genido company.
3. My Kaka Delfin is in California again for 2 more weeks!
4. My Dad is finally back! Only God knows for how long haha, seriously.
5. This past week I think I've spent more time at Poppy than my own house.
6. Plenty of time spent with Ate, Kuya, Ate Rosalie and Jane.
7. Watched old home videos. Really good stuff.
8. Spent a lot of time at forest lawn for 4 days.
9. Losing my voice for the viewings haha.
10. Wearing black and white for 4 days!
11. Witnessing to my family, but realized I need to do a better job.
12. N64'ed!
13. Ended summer school and finally started summer!
14. Mexican candy!
15. My dad's driving..
16. Realizing what a blessing family is to me.
17. Got to hangout with high school friends.
18. Sheba's going to Germany!
19. 90s are all that.
20. Can finally continue watching Dragon Ball GT.
21. A haircut I was not expecting haha.

I can't really remember the past few weeks anyways or even months since I haven't blogged in a while. This past week alone as been a little crazy, but God has been so gracious to me and my family and I just praise Him for all of it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Wow this past few weeks have been great.

I would love to blog about resolved but I wouldn't even know how to start. All I can really say about Resolved was that it was truly a blessing, and super convicting. Praise the LORD for such gifted speakers, and brothers and sisters that made it all possible.

This week is my final week for my chemistry summer class, final's on Thursday. Let's so how all of this goes... Then next week starts my 3 week poli sci class. Then I'm free of csulb til Fall. Praise God for everything, no seriously.

I'll leave you guys with a song.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A little bit caught up.

Wow, I just got caught up in looking at bikes... A reason I started looking up bikes stuff was because my bike tire's aren't flat anymore thanks to the cousin Harvey. I'm not blaming him for me losing track of the time though! Now I'm just excited to ride my bike. I have a craving to go on a bike ride, LEZGO! Okay, goodnight.

By the way Resolved is in ONE more day!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer session 1, week 2.

Class is okay so far. The only think I don't understand is how I can wake up for 8 AM classes during fall and spring, but I have a hard time waking up for a 9Am class for summer. Haha.

Things I need to STOP doing
1. Selfishness
2. Sleeping late for no reason
3. Split-ending
4. Buying things I wouldn't normally buy or use.
5. Getting distracted
6. Being lazy/Slothfulness

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Clair de Lune - a movement from the Suite bergamasque. One of my favorites

Ahhh this movement is so beautiful; the distinct sound of every instrument wooo super wonderfullll! Makes me miss playing in an orchestra, especially in a symphony even though it wasn't as professional as the Philadelphia Orchestra. After watching this video I tried playing it on Violin, wowww... that's what happens when you stop playing violin hah. This video was a gateway video which made me look up other videos of compositions... made me so amazed. I'll start posting them randomly, this should happen because I'm working on following through on what I say I'm going to do.

Friday, May 27, 2011

List #11

Do my nails camouflage with my walls?

11 may be my favorite number, but this isn't a special list.
1. Hey, my hair is pretty long now (:
2. Exodus
3. Badminton tomorrow! I'm exciteddd.
4. Vacuum my room and the hallway.
5. Sweep the kitchen and living room.
6. Self-control.
7. GYM!
8. Random urge to spend -__-"
9. Dust my room
10. Stop split-ending.
11. Get ready for summer school...
12. Target visit soon!
13. It's already Friday.
14. Memorial day weekend then summer school starts.
15. 2006 Dallas and Miami finals rematch. Even though totally different teams from then.

We are a pillar and supporter of the truth in God's house. (1 Timothy 3:15) So live like a supporter of God.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Summer's here!

Pimples courtesy of finals week.
By the way, first picture of Summer 2011!

Yeee, chillin' with Hamtaro in my pantulog, retainers, and in my bed before 12 yeaaah buddy. Anyways, I have so many emotions going on right now, from excited, happy, somewhat shocked, exhausted, but most of all relieved. No exams, studying, labs, etc to worry about... even if it's only for a week and something days. Two summer classes in two sessions isn't as bad as a 15 unit semester, so I still have a reason to enjoy my summer. Praise the Lord for getting me through another year in college; even with all the time school took away from my time with Him, He never left me. What can I say, God is good.

Woooo, it's not even 12 yet and I'm already in bed, retainers and everything, feels so good after sleeping early morning this every day this past week.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

List #10

Late night list
1. Why hello book of James, written by James the half brother of Jesus.
2. Finals studying nonsense.
3. A few changes are coming up. But it's okay because I trust in the LORD, who is sovereign.
4. His will, not mines. For His glory, not anything/anyone else.
5. 6 more days.
6. 1 Corinthians 9:23.
7. Taking forever to finish All of Grace.
8. Trig identities integrals, and series approximations.
9. Prayer.
10. Patience.
11. Joy.
12. Focus.

I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.
- 1 Corinthians 9:22

Monday, May 2, 2011

3 Upsets.

Three holes in my mouth result in puffy cheeks.

Three of the game 1's in the second round of the NBA playoffs were upsets. I'm glad Memphis and Atlanta won their game 1's however, Lakers losing game 1 isn't something to be glad about, but honestly isn't something to worry about... well for me anyways. They won the last round and lost game 1, nuff said.

So my Tita Del pulled mine and my brother's wisdom teeth on Saturday, the actual extraction didn't hurt, but once the anesthesia wore off, pain was there. 2 days later my mouth still feels weird. I have to say that it's getting better, however my cheeks puffed up today, Chipmunk status... for now I guess. I don't know if you can tell but my cheeks aren't that big normally...

Including this week there are 3 weeks of school left! I know these 3 weeks are going to be difficult, due to all the excitement that Summer is right around the corner, the stress that finals are right there and no one wants bad grades...

Oh that number 3 has been all over the place in this blog, so yes I have to say something about the Trinity. God the father, the creator of Heaven and Earth sent His son Jesus Christ to pay for sins of those who believe in Him; which is the work of the Holy Spirit. Does that make sense? If I worded it wrong, or totally messed up let me know cause I usually have bad grammar on my blogs, and messing up on such a touchy subject is kinda scary. Okay, I'm super tired. GOODNIGHT!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ugly, but I'll take it.

For those who are following me on twitter, sorry for the excessive amount of nonsense tweets lately; I have a lot of things in my head right now ha.

Anyways, as I watching the Laker game tonight; they were playing horribly but ended up with a W. Then I kinda thought about my calc exam... I don't really like to share my grades but I guess this can be one of the times where I do... I did horrible on it 64/100 however I got an A- on it... because my teacher curves his exams, and the highest score was a 73... So I guess. Like the Laker game, my exam was ugly, but I'll take the A.

I miss playing badminton.

Oh in case you haven't noticed, this is random blog. Sorry more nonsense.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Once again, God has proved me wrong.

This Spring Break was one of the best.
For His Glory.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Late night blogging. #2

I have no idea why I'm awake right now.

"My sole hope for heaven lies in the full atonement made on Calvary's cross for the ungodly. I firmly rely on that. I do not have a shadow of hope anywhere else. You are in the same condition as I am. Neither of us has anything of our own worth to be a basis of trusts."

- Charles Spurgeon

It's hard to just let go and let God, but He is sovereign, and my faith and trust is in Him. It might or might not be harder to trust our flesh, or any other human's flesh; but if you do, I pray for you.
Why trust me, I'm just a human being, but trust His Word.

Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died - more than that who was raised - who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.
- Romans 8:33-34

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Just Saying.

To be honest, I think this Spring Break isn't going to be a good one.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Nerd moment.

Woww, okay so I was just typing and I messed up typing and =O came up, and I thought of a Carbon - Oxygen double bond. Then I thought about ochem.... and then it made me sad. But now I'm fine.

Random post. Sorry.
List of my day.
1. Came on campus an hour early.
2. Hung out with Mimi and Christine. Had our talks (:
3. Calc activity, went by fast.
4. Ochem... -____-"
5. Those "emotion-ie" walks.
6. emotion-ie drive
7. home for 2 minutes or so.
8. Trimmmmm.
9. Carson Starbucks
10. Carson errands: pharmacy and buy pandesal
11. Andrea's birthday
12. Home for an hour or so.
13. Grandma's house to hang out with visitors.
14. Gooooooood night.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Late night blogging. #1

Crazy weekend, starting with Physics lecture to ending up with my brother sleeping in my room.

Alright well Saturday was a wonderful day, well everyday is wonderful, because it's a day that the LORD has made. Fun time at Samchez' debut, everyone looked good. Sunday was wonderful as well, in a different way. Started off at CPC. Then went to the convalescent home that Lola Bining has been at, where there was a mini family party. It was fun, simple, and small, I enjoyed it. As I looked at Lola Bining, I saw her brother in her face, or my Grandpa in her face, I never realized that they had similar faces... well after all they are siblings. I guess. Then we went home, for a good 15 minutes, and next thing you know we ended up in the ER or Kaiser. We were in the waiting room for a good 3 hours or so, fellowship with my brother and cousin Harvey. Praise God that my mother came out with a fracture, and is not in critical condition, but please pray for her. From Lola Bining's party to the ER waiting room, the talk with my brother's in Christ was encouraging. I am blessed to have them in my life.

Today, oh today err yesterday? was a really rough one, but through God's grace I made it through the day. Actually when I was done with class and leaving school was when it got hard. I found out that I got myself into a hole that will be hard to get out, but I put all my trust in the LORD and know that He is sovereign.

I'm not really good with expressing my feelings or whatever, it might be due to the fact that I never really know how I feel most of the time. But today was a lot, it's really hard for me to type right now ... I was scared, disappointed, lost, frustrated, tired, overwhelmed, all of that; so many feelings, and only one of me. I couldn't help but cry earlier, and it's not something I do often... But I reminded myself, that all the things I was crying about wasn't anything I need, nor deserve. What I have now, isn't what I deserve; God has blessed me, yes, me a sinner, with so many things and people in my life, it's so selfish of me to want more. Then I realized, no matter what is happening to me in this world, I should rejoice in the LORD no matter what, because my savior Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price for my sin.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

- Romans 6:23
A sinner like myself, and yourself all deserve to die, but that's where grace comes in, you see, the sins of the elect have been paid for through the precious blood shed by Christ on the cross. Let me remind you that Christ was perfect and did not sin. And that's how I can rejoice through rough times like this and any other time.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
- 1 Peter 1:3-9

Sorry if my blog is a little all over the place, it was suppose to just be about my weekend, but hey what can I say, the Holy Spirit moved me. It's pretty late, I'm suppose to wake up in 3 hours, so I could have messed up, really bad, I tend to do that a lot when I blog or even type at night. Goodnight.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bumper sticker.

So yesterday I saw a bumper sticker that said,
"Smile, Jesus loves you."
Then I said, "Yeahhh, he does" and smiled.

In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
- 1 John 4:10

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.
- John 15:9

Friday, March 11, 2011

Good mood

Good mood? In March? As in, in the middle of the semester? Yes, yes and yeeeeah! I don't like to vent on my blogs, and it feels like I have been doing that or been feeling down while I write them, so here's one where I'm feeling happy (:

It's still pretty crazy how I'm so chilled back tonight. Praise God, for opening my eyes, and allowing me to see His Grace. It's crazy how you wanted something that you knew you didn't need, and it would only benefit yourself; and somehow God gave it to me for His word. God is so amazing, words can't even describe. Totally lost my train of thought, but got the most important thing out (:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

List #9

Things to do by the end of February
1. Finish All of Grace.
2. Get off of Chapter 3 in Spiritual Disciplines, I'm not even sure what chapter I'm on.
3. Trim
4. Wash and clean my car.
5. Give my dog a bath.
6. Keep my room clean.
7. Gym at least twice... Haha.

Earlier I said, I was going to be done with my physics lab and in bed by 1 AM, and I actually did; not exactly what I was expecting, but hey, I'm done and on my bed right now.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Selfish me.

Why do I want so much, when I deserve nothing?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Spring 2011?

Oh these guys, pretty much going to be hanging out with these cool kids for most of the semester. I would include my book for intro to acting, but nahhh. Anyways, it's week 2, and I'm keeping up... I'm pretty happy that I caught up with calculus, especially since I didn't do any homework this past weekend. I'm suppose to reading for Physics right now, cause I'm behind on my readings, but I need a break... Praise God, that I got into Organic Chemistry; I honestly had no clue that I was going to get in the class, but by His grace I'm in! However I must admit that I'm quite nervous about this class... not only is my professor intimidating, it's my first upper division class. Oh even though I got a good grade on our first pop-quiz, I was kind of lost during today's lecture... Yup... there goes my two cents on the semester so far. Oh yeahhh, I just realized... I'm pretty much stuck with these books next semester also... well I believe Physic's is another volume but whatever, and I'm blessed to be stuck with my Bible for the rest of my time on earth.

So I have things running through my mind again... this time it's pretty big, I mean not a life-death situation, or anything like that it's just I have to make decisions. Although my Bible is in the picture above, obviously is not a textbook for any of my classes this semester. It's there, because I know reading that comes before all of my textbooks, put together. But I mean, I know I'm reading those books more than my Bible; which hurts because I know, but I still do it. I constantly sin and choose school over the LORD but He never leaves us. His grace is truly amazing, and it sucks that I give Him so little, I mean He's given me uhhh EVERYTHING I have. It's so easy to say what I have to do, but it's so hard to actually follow through and do it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2nd day. 2nd semester. 2 year.

Wow, what a day! Today was a good day, list will be at the end of this blog. So today I experienced something we were talking about during Friday's CPYF bible study with my small group; there I was hanging out with a group of friends, for like ever during my five hour gap, and then everyone went to class at 12:30PM, and now at 12:35AM I realize that, that was a good time to share the Word with them. Talk about super lag, it was one of those where did the time go moments. Yeah... it sucks. Blahhh there's a few things going on in my head about my schedule, right now... I guess it'll all be settled by tomorrow errr or today. Still not sure about my status in O-chem, and I'm not sure if I want to stay in my Intro to world theater and drama class if I was to get in O-chem, and all that junk.

What a wonderful Tuesday.
1. Physic's lab instructor seems pretty chill.
2. Break from 9-2...
3. Chilled with Mimi and Christine and had our talk (:
4. More people came and talked (:
5. Got to hang out with Kim and Joseph! I missed us three.
6. Met new people.
7. Still hope for O-Chem... kinda.
8. My World Theater and Drama class professor seems nice.
8.5 Everyone in that class seems like they're there for there major, and I'm like.. not. They're nice though.
9. Didn't nap today, and not tired.
10. Decided I need a trim.
11. Nice weather.

I need to get on this "nerd" train that fellow science majors, Mimi and David are on, cause they are acting weird... like they're being productive, unusual for them... sorta hahaha.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Spring 2011 Day One.

Being the first day back to school, I had my usual first day back Migrane/headache... If you don't know what I'm talking about click here. I did my eat, medicine, sleep and remembered about that post, it's sad how I have a routine... Oh and too add on, I added a class today incase I didn't get into my Ochem class, but God willing I get into that class, I don't want to drop it anymore, the thing is I'd have 3 back to back classes on Thursday... So I'm a little all over the place right now. Also I think the Physics book I'm borrowing from W0LFAD might not work for my physics class... even if it's just ONE edition off -_-" I guess.. I don't even know where I'm going with this blog, so I'll just end it now.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hello there friends.

One of the results of late night movies.

S'all I'm sayin'.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Despite that the city is called "Sin City", the city of Las Vegas catches my eye; the fact that my favorite movie is set in the city could be a main reason why.

MLK weekend in Las Vegas
Day one.
1. Slept at 5am the morning we left at 10 am.
2. Didn't sleep on the drive there.
3. Outlet #1, and bought nothing.
4. Stratosphere renovated rooms.
5. All day dimsum restaurant.
7. Watched the Laker game in the hotel room with Kuya.
Day two.
7. Breakfast at Lolo's.
8. Outletttt #2.
9. CSI at MGM.
10. Fashion mall... same day during a "tumblr meetup" -__-"
11. Me and Kuya we're pretty much in the hotel room for the rest of the night.
12. Watched Miss America, which happened to be at Vegas also.
13. Watched The Breakup with Mom and Kuya in the room.
Day three.
14. Packed and checked out.
15. Breakfast at Lolos.
16.5. Pictionary with the Henderson youth group (:
17. Checked in at Excalibur.
18. Buffet-ed with Lolo and Tita Elsie!
19. M&M world, coke store and gamesworks...
20. Back to Excalibur.
21. Luxor with Ate and Kuya
22. Casino hopped with Ate only.
23. Pictures.
Day three.
24. Checked out.
25. Lolo's house. Donutssss(:
27. Secret garden at Mirage.
28. Outlet #3.
29. Drive back.
30. Chipotle.
31. Random stop at Bobbie's/Jan's/Allan's house.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Eve and Day.

New Years Eve Pineda side.
Pretty much the only neon picture I took...

New Years was pretty cool. As I got ready I wore my yellow t-shirt dress for New Years (despite the fact that it was freezing) to Church cause that was what my New Years outfit since our theme was Neon this year. Then we went to Ninang Lil's house to spend New Years Eve with my mom's side. Got our grub on with some Portos, buchi, and everything else there, then we played pinoy henyo again, and my team won the second round yeeee. We started playing Risk, then counted the New Year with everyone, and had to leave for the other party. I managed to change into jeans before we got to Wilmer's house and it was pretty late, but party was still going on, dance floor in the living room. I just stayed in Wilfred's room with the little kiddies, that's pretty much all I did. Uhh kids played PS3, and we just chilled, then took a few picture... and then me and Bryan watched When in Rome, courtesy of Peter's Netflix haha. Bryan was so into it hahahaha, we tried to watch so many things, like Hey Arnold season 1, Wallace and Gromit, etc. Then more people came and took liek 2394023842 years to decide what movie to watch and Philip chooses some documentary called Restrepo or something like that... It was super late already. I think we watched it at 5? I tried to fall asleep, I managed to get a 40 min nap from 6:15-640am (or something) during the movie though haha. Then we took forever to find another movie, and then ended up with 8 Legged Freaks, once again Philip's choice or Darryl's. I got to fall asleep again, during this movie from 805-830am or whatever, on Wilfred's tiny twin size bed with me, Bryan and Wilfred sleeping, or trying to -__-". Grubbed on some fried rice and whatnot and then I eventually got to sleep 12-230pm babyyyy! HAha then chilled a little more and eventually went home. Super tired. &now my sleeping pattern is pretty messed up. But I praise God for the way I spent transitioning from 2010-2011, because it was good time spent with family.