Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ich weiß nicht einen Titel.

Actually finding time to write on here! Having no 8am ochem lab tomorrow, and also finding out my 11 am inorganic lecture is cancelled for tomorrow, totally is a factor to me on here right now. 8am everyday is really hard on my body, but nonetheless school is still a blessing. I seriously don't know how to say all the things I want to say... probably gonna end up with a list hah. Opportunities to share the Gospel with classmates, it's quite exciting, especially when they initiate talking about the Bible or God or Church. The transitioning process, it's a bittersweet feeling, but it's God's will not mine. Trusting in the Lord, prayer, and finding comfort in Him no one else or nothing else. Philippians 4:5-7. Yes, it's that same passage that's been showing up everywhere! Man, why is it so hard to express feelings? However, I can say that I'm quite excited for the rest of this week (:

Today and thoughts.
1. Two class Tuesday.
2. German Midterm.
3. Starbucks with Sam, Loris and Micah.
4. Ephesians midterm studying.
5. Only class tomorrow is Calc.
6. Set.
7. I don't even know what I wanted to say earlier.
8. Feels good that I actually had to arrange my parking for street-sweeping, cause I'll still be home at 8 hahaha.
9. Pursue holiness. Focus on Christ. Philippians 3:13-14. Hebrews 12:1-3
10. Patience.
11. Discipline.
12. Ich mag Deutsch sprechen.

1 comment:

Macross Kitty said...

I too took German in college. Too bad I don't remember much of it anymore. It's been awhile since I spoke German. =)