Monday, January 24, 2011

Spring 2011 Day One.

Being the first day back to school, I had my usual first day back Migrane/headache... If you don't know what I'm talking about click here. I did my eat, medicine, sleep and remembered about that post, it's sad how I have a routine... Oh and too add on, I added a class today incase I didn't get into my Ochem class, but God willing I get into that class, I don't want to drop it anymore, the thing is I'd have 3 back to back classes on Thursday... So I'm a little all over the place right now. Also I think the Physics book I'm borrowing from W0LFAD might not work for my physics class... even if it's just ONE edition off -_-" I guess.. I don't even know where I'm going with this blog, so I'll just end it now.

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