apparently im not the only one with a really runny nose, sore throat, cough, &chapped nose my cousin has a cold too . funny conversation, i'd thought i should share .
cousin: what did you do with your chappend nose...
Auto response from me:
chapped nose ?
cousin: i have one too
cousin: i put the thingy for the lips..
cousin: dont work
me: vaseline ?
cousin: i tried
me: vicks
me: your nose still runny ?
cousin: yeaa
cousin: all this week
cousin: i hate it
cousin: it seems like it goes forever
me: haha .
me: SAME .
me: there
me: ahaaaa !
cousin: dont you run out of sinus or booger
me: for like 2minutes .
me: aha .
cousin: xD
me: remember when i was sick during the summer ?
me: my nose was chapped too -__-''
cousin: yea
cousin: ..howd our nose gets chapped?
me: ROFL
me: google .
me: aha
me: internet says put vaseline .
cousin: ohh i have nasal spray
cousin: ..found it in the bathroom
cousin: it looks...scary
cousin: i dont want that in my nose
me: roflroflroflrofl HAHAH!
cousin: should i try it?
me: yes .
me: man i dont have that .
me: aha
cousin: it looks big.
cousin: im still runny
cousin: ok wait.
cousin: lemme find some vix
cousin: I CAN BREATHE!
me: haha .
cousin: how long will it last?
me: two min
me: hah
me: idk ,
cousin: thats it
cousin: ....egh
cousin: good enough.i guess
cousin: hows your nose?
me: i can breath
me: you ?
cousin: good good.
me: for now hah
cousin: yea
me: it hasnt came back yet ?
cousin: somewhat..its coming back
me: ohh, mines back nwo ./
me: aha
cousin: mines still goin
me: wow, if you look at my desk there's soo much used tissue.
me: aha .
cousin: hah
cousin: i just blow my nose on the kitchen
me: aha.
cousin: i started doing that because my mom told me that i wasted too much paper towel
me: i would have to walk back &fouirth everyone min .
me: ROFLLL !
i only put the good parts, where we're talking about my colds haha . then it ended with what we usually talk about haha
me: i see trevor ariza in this video (:
cousin: xD
cousin: knew you were gonna say that
me: duhh .
cousin: xD
me: the guitar hero one
me: sasha" he's a rack stur"
me: ahaa
cousin: hahha
cousin: yea i seen taht
me: me too .
cousin: sasha is a fob
haha yup . as i was looking up ways to stop my nose i came across this little tip to stop it .
"If your nose becomes really runny, sniff a marker. The fumes will supress the nasal glands from producing mucus. It has basically the same effect as Vick's Vaporub. " - Mary Gold . (
wow, that shows how different the United Kingdom is from us, i guess ?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009

pretty much the best show ever . who would have ever thought that a show about a monotone high school outcast would have been this interesting . well for me it sure is . i remember watching this show in like elementary school when it aired on MTV . i can say this show is one of my all time favorite cartoons just before Braceface .
Saturday, January 24, 2009
lonely days
first off, i want to thank God that finals are over &for everything that he has done for not just me but all of us. finals went by fast, i only had 3.5 ? finals haha . the .5 is my chemistry final long story . teacher's still not back .
one day this past week, i was walking home &stopped by my grandmas house like always . &my grandma was awake (she's usually sleeping when i come by) so i got to talk to her, one days like that i feel like im having a good day, because it doesn't usually happen . yesterday i got out at 10 AM, cause i only had one final . i went over to poppy &kuya mario was there &i stayed since no one else was there . we make a good team .
yesterday i went to my first CPYF bible study . i wasn't lonely much my brother, harvey &their friend kevin was there . aparently they went last week too . before that i went to an outting with my camp small group at Guppies . unfortunately joyce couldn't make it, but i ended seeing her at bible study . it was fun, i enjoyed it .
please don't misread my title, it's not "lonely" everyone else uses as being single, but its the lonely where no one is there to talk to . for example both my mom &brother are sleeping and its 7:45 PM on a Saturday . my mom didn't even ask where i was going before i left &she didn't call when i was out . i texted my friend during my time out, &she said she had no batteries and so yeah . since there was no one for me to talk to, i called my dad in the philippines, &used a "what's your yearly income for fafsa" excuse just so i could talk to someone . that's really sad when you have to call someone on the other side of the world so you can talk to someone . he was in a hurry to get off as well . at least i got a "i love you" before hanging up . during my time alone, i went to target &got shorts for badminton, &as i was going to the candy isle, i heard someone call my name &it was Merry Touch . it was good to see her, we had a little conversation it helped my sad feeling . i got gummy bears &expected to eat them with my brother, while watching NBA tv when i get home . but i guess that was to much to expect since he's sleeping . so here i am, alone, talking to a keyboard or whatever, with a few tears falling across my face .
one day this past week, i was walking home &stopped by my grandmas house like always . &my grandma was awake (she's usually sleeping when i come by) so i got to talk to her, one days like that i feel like im having a good day, because it doesn't usually happen . yesterday i got out at 10 AM, cause i only had one final . i went over to poppy &kuya mario was there &i stayed since no one else was there . we make a good team .
yesterday i went to my first CPYF bible study . i wasn't lonely much my brother, harvey &their friend kevin was there . aparently they went last week too . before that i went to an outting with my camp small group at Guppies . unfortunately joyce couldn't make it, but i ended seeing her at bible study . it was fun, i enjoyed it .
please don't misread my title, it's not "lonely" everyone else uses as being single, but its the lonely where no one is there to talk to . for example both my mom &brother are sleeping and its 7:45 PM on a Saturday . my mom didn't even ask where i was going before i left &she didn't call when i was out . i texted my friend during my time out, &she said she had no batteries and so yeah . since there was no one for me to talk to, i called my dad in the philippines, &used a "what's your yearly income for fafsa" excuse just so i could talk to someone . that's really sad when you have to call someone on the other side of the world so you can talk to someone . he was in a hurry to get off as well . at least i got a "i love you" before hanging up . during my time alone, i went to target &got shorts for badminton, &as i was going to the candy isle, i heard someone call my name &it was Merry Touch . it was good to see her, we had a little conversation it helped my sad feeling . i got gummy bears &expected to eat them with my brother, while watching NBA tv when i get home . but i guess that was to much to expect since he's sleeping . so here i am, alone, talking to a keyboard or whatever, with a few tears falling across my face .
Monday, January 19, 2009
24 > 23
three day weekend, felt good . but i was bored out of my mind today, i think i would've rather been at school haha, but i got my dog cleaned so i did something . i need to read the great gatsby, especially since im not getting 50 points extra credit, cause im not buying the book . i didnt really study for psychology yet, BUT i finished the review sheet, sooooon . &that's about all i need to do for finals, since no one has any idea what's going to be on coops final blahh, &that's my only B &its a minus -__-'' .
laker game tonight, was niice . we blew the cavs . it wasn't about "who's better kobe or lebron" it was about the whole team . &the lakers showed that it was them, from their bigs to their bench . hope all is well for kobe &his pinky .
dad left for philippines today, hope he gets their safe . he'll be back febuary 3 ? i think . i get to use his car, but im not gonna go out all the time, spend money, drive people &all that junk; maybe outings but not just because i have the car . i bought my formal dress yesterday, it's nothing big . purple it is, i didnt have a color choice, it was whatever nice dress &purple (a laker color) was the only color &it was cheap hah . oh yeah, i bought a yoga mat; dont ask haha .
school tomorrow, &obama's inauguration . lets hope that he keeps his promises &doesn't let us down . then wed-friday is finals . pray for a good, safe, nice week .
laker game tonight, was niice . we blew the cavs . it wasn't about "who's better kobe or lebron" it was about the whole team . &the lakers showed that it was them, from their bigs to their bench . hope all is well for kobe &his pinky .
dad left for philippines today, hope he gets their safe . he'll be back febuary 3 ? i think . i get to use his car, but im not gonna go out all the time, spend money, drive people &all that junk; maybe outings but not just because i have the car . i bought my formal dress yesterday, it's nothing big . purple it is, i didnt have a color choice, it was whatever nice dress &purple (a laker color) was the only color &it was cheap hah . oh yeah, i bought a yoga mat; dont ask haha .
school tomorrow, &obama's inauguration . lets hope that he keeps his promises &doesn't let us down . then wed-friday is finals . pray for a good, safe, nice week .
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
split ends aren't worth it .
like i said in my last blog, i just keep on pulling out my split ends . i don't split the ends, i just pull them out, if that makes any sense . once i get started it takes me forever to stop, i usually have to tie it up . sad, i know ..
on the bright side, this is a WARM week, its like 80's &70's, i know in the middle of winter ?! well that's just how it works in Southern California . i think today was the hottest day of the week, the five day forcast says so, or is it seven now-a-days .. whatever .
there's a few dates i need to keep in mind, for the 2 upcoming weeks or for the rest of the month .
my second draft of my internal is due on friday .
no school, dad leaves for the philippines &lakers vs cavs on the 19 .
first semester finals 21-23
my final extended essay is due on the 22 .
small group outing on the 23 .
winter formal on the 31 .
i think it's time to erase my whiteboard because it still says "december 08) hah . &i need to find a dress for formal, my first attempt will be this weekend, hopefully .
on the bright side, this is a WARM week, its like 80's &70's, i know in the middle of winter ?! well that's just how it works in Southern California . i think today was the hottest day of the week, the five day forcast says so, or is it seven now-a-days .. whatever .
there's a few dates i need to keep in mind, for the 2 upcoming weeks or for the rest of the month .
my second draft of my internal is due on friday .
no school, dad leaves for the philippines &lakers vs cavs on the 19 .
first semester finals 21-23
my final extended essay is due on the 22 .
small group outing on the 23 .
winter formal on the 31 .
i think it's time to erase my whiteboard because it still says "december 08) hah . &i need to find a dress for formal, my first attempt will be this weekend, hopefully .
Sunday, January 11, 2009
increase productivity
this weekend, i didn't do much at all . the only things i did that was productive was clean my room, give my dog a bath, go to church, &do a lazy job on my homework . only that for 3 days ! talk about lazy . oh &i made a polyatomic chart &put it on my wall, to help me memorize the charges, formulas &such .
i need to stop pulling my split ends ! if there was some way to practice not touching them, i would do it 24/7 . this very second im trying hard to not touch it . i blogtv'd yesterday with my brother &cousin, to alvin &harvey's friend . it was okay, we just danced &looked stupid . im gonna try &sleep early today, so ill end this nonsense blog now .
i need to stop pulling my split ends ! if there was some way to practice not touching them, i would do it 24/7 . this very second im trying hard to not touch it . i blogtv'd yesterday with my brother &cousin, to alvin &harvey's friend . it was okay, we just danced &looked stupid . im gonna try &sleep early today, so ill end this nonsense blog now .
Friday, January 9, 2009
connections, somewhat ..
another earthquake today, nothing really big . i think i was shaking my leg, then i stopped &i was like is this an earthquake ? then yeahh . is it me or are earthquakes occuring more often ? i know that earthquakes are always happening, but they're usually so weak that no one can feel it.
so i turned my not finished extended essay into an internal assessment for coop today, i just had to get rid of 506 words . believe me that's not easy, i had to get rid of a lot of things . i have to add like at least 500 words to the extended essay to complete it for ms zizz .i wasn't stressing over it, i didn't have much to research anything, cause i had too much info . i just started to get all stressy like because i said i wanted it done by 12 haha, &i did (:
this one administrator from my school, Dr. Mims came to jordan i think last year &now he left to be the principal at Westchester High School in LA . &guess who graduated from there ... yup, Trevor Ariza ahaha that's pretty crazy . i know we didn't really like Dr. Mims, cause he thought he ruled the school &he was just an administrator but heyy now he can act like that cause he's the principal . honestly i didn't really like the way he was to us, but he was nice to me haha . he was on campus today, cause LAUSD schools are still on break &this one girl was like "why is he here?" . well if you watch this video, you'll see that Trevor Ariza still stops by the school &talks to the basketball team and such, and that Kobe Bryant "adopted" the school &he visits once in a while too . i was telling my cousn about this &i told him i shoulda went up to Dr. Mims &say "get kobe &trevor to come visit jordan" haha but that's kinda messed up . doing the whole i dont like you, but you have the hook ups &be all nice to him kinda deal . basically using the guy . but yeahh, i wouldn't even say anything to him, unless he called me . wow that's long haha .
my dads going to the philippines on the 19 and is going to be gone til feburary 3 . that meanss, i have a car for like three weeks . he's not going to be here during finals week &winter formal . yeah, but im not going to go out &party like something my sister would do ... that also means that its gonna be just me &my mom at home for three weeks, cause my brothers never home .
usually stuff like this doesnt affect me but today i got friend requests, comments, texts & a whole lot of IMs all regarding different things . but they all made me feel happy, helpful &wanted, well not exactly but somewhere around there . its not like i never get this, but today all of it put together had a good affect on me (:

random picture: blood drive day .
so i turned my not finished extended essay into an internal assessment for coop today, i just had to get rid of 506 words . believe me that's not easy, i had to get rid of a lot of things . i have to add like at least 500 words to the extended essay to complete it for ms zizz .i wasn't stressing over it, i didn't have much to research anything, cause i had too much info . i just started to get all stressy like because i said i wanted it done by 12 haha, &i did (:
this one administrator from my school, Dr. Mims came to jordan i think last year &now he left to be the principal at Westchester High School in LA . &guess who graduated from there ... yup, Trevor Ariza ahaha that's pretty crazy . i know we didn't really like Dr. Mims, cause he thought he ruled the school &he was just an administrator but heyy now he can act like that cause he's the principal . honestly i didn't really like the way he was to us, but he was nice to me haha . he was on campus today, cause LAUSD schools are still on break &this one girl was like "why is he here?" . well if you watch this video, you'll see that Trevor Ariza still stops by the school &talks to the basketball team and such, and that Kobe Bryant "adopted" the school &he visits once in a while too . i was telling my cousn about this &i told him i shoulda went up to Dr. Mims &say "get kobe &trevor to come visit jordan" haha but that's kinda messed up . doing the whole i dont like you, but you have the hook ups &be all nice to him kinda deal . basically using the guy . but yeahh, i wouldn't even say anything to him, unless he called me . wow that's long haha .
my dads going to the philippines on the 19 and is going to be gone til feburary 3 . that meanss, i have a car for like three weeks . he's not going to be here during finals week &winter formal . yeah, but im not going to go out &party like something my sister would do ... that also means that its gonna be just me &my mom at home for three weeks, cause my brothers never home .
usually stuff like this doesnt affect me but today i got friend requests, comments, texts & a whole lot of IMs all regarding different things . but they all made me feel happy, helpful &wanted, well not exactly but somewhere around there . its not like i never get this, but today all of it put together had a good affect on me (:

random picture: blood drive day .
Thursday, January 8, 2009
sleeping 101
if there was really a class, i would take it . since i seriously don't understand how everytime i take a nap &sleep early, i end up waking up late ... &when i sleep late with a nap or without a nap (doesn't matter still less sleep than sleeping early) i end up waking normal . blah, i guess in order for me to wake up early, i sleep late .

oh my lakers, won today with their lost from yesterday &lamar odom got injured . but he's not seriously injured . hopefully he's back by friday's game, not like that game is big, just saying haha . farmar &walton are still out, due to injuries; hmmm &their both close friends, they planned it so they didn't have to play, just kidding . trevor ariza ♥ had a good game today, season high with 17 points? he had the highest plus points thingys with a +21 (:
i am curious to see Lamar play against Lebron, next monday . cause my brother keeps saying "lamar can be as good as lebron, if he wanted to."
speaking of my brother, he's like never home anymore . a friend was saying how he's the only one home now from his 3 other siblings, one moved out, another in iraq, &the other on the east coast &how he's the only one at home . he was like he's the only child blah . &i realized "heyyy, me tooooo ." not something to be happy about . i mean my sister lives across the street or whatever, but she doesn't stay here long, &my brother is always out, so its basically me, &my parents at home now . at this very moment it's just us three . normally i would never refer to me &my parents as "us three", it usally is me, my brother &sister . but hey things change ...
oh my lakers, won today with their lost from yesterday &lamar odom got injured . but he's not seriously injured . hopefully he's back by friday's game, not like that game is big, just saying haha . farmar &walton are still out, due to injuries; hmmm &their both close friends, they planned it so they didn't have to play, just kidding . trevor ariza ♥ had a good game today, season high with 17 points? he had the highest plus points thingys with a +21 (:
i am curious to see Lamar play against Lebron, next monday . cause my brother keeps saying "lamar can be as good as lebron, if he wanted to."
speaking of my brother, he's like never home anymore . a friend was saying how he's the only one home now from his 3 other siblings, one moved out, another in iraq, &the other on the east coast &how he's the only one at home . he was like he's the only child blah . &i realized "heyyy, me tooooo ." not something to be happy about . i mean my sister lives across the street or whatever, but she doesn't stay here long, &my brother is always out, so its basically me, &my parents at home now . at this very moment it's just us three . normally i would never refer to me &my parents as "us three", it usally is me, my brother &sister . but hey things change ...
Monday, January 5, 2009
oh nine so fine
drive better
sooo its O9, im finally driving (: i drove on my own to target on new years eve to get a new camera then today i went to another target to buy a new planner . i drove yesterday but siblings in the car . i think im driving fine, but i know i have to keep on practicing . enough about my driving rants. almost spent the countdown in my sisters car, made it just in time . thank god, rightt ?
school started today, it was a good first day back didn't get homework from my classes, finished She's the Man in english class . we got a new permanent sub in chemistry he's cool this time . yuppp . Secret Life of the American Teenager, Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill all came back today yayuhh, &direct tv doesn't overlap any of the three . just wait till Chuck comes back . Badminton Tryouts tomorrow, hope it goes well . i wonder if i get a say in the tryouts (just cause the TC is me hah)
flashback of 2008
January: Dominique's debut

February: art class fun, i miss it .

March: CAHSEE DAYS&badminton games/practices .

April: Last day of Spring Break, seahorseee (:

May: Moore League, second last day with braces

June: Kuya &Wilfreds graduation

July: Summer School, woke up early for church

August: Youth Camp

September: random picture

October: Spirit Week - decades day (we went 80's)

November: Birthday Collaboration

December: S&G Starbucks Christmas Show
sooo its O9, im finally driving (: i drove on my own to target on new years eve to get a new camera then today i went to another target to buy a new planner . i drove yesterday but siblings in the car . i think im driving fine, but i know i have to keep on practicing . enough about my driving rants. almost spent the countdown in my sisters car, made it just in time . thank god, rightt ?
school started today, it was a good first day back didn't get homework from my classes, finished She's the Man in english class . we got a new permanent sub in chemistry he's cool this time . yuppp . Secret Life of the American Teenager, Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill all came back today yayuhh, &direct tv doesn't overlap any of the three . just wait till Chuck comes back . Badminton Tryouts tomorrow, hope it goes well . i wonder if i get a say in the tryouts (just cause the TC is me hah)
January: Dominique's debut
February: art class fun, i miss it .
March: CAHSEE DAYS&badminton games/practices .
April: Last day of Spring Break, seahorseee (:
May: Moore League, second last day with braces
June: Kuya &Wilfreds graduation
July: Summer School, woke up early for church
August: Youth Camp
September: random picture
October: Spirit Week - decades day (we went 80's)
November: Birthday Collaboration
December: S&G Starbucks Christmas Show
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