Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Eve and Day.

New Years Eve Pineda side.
Pretty much the only neon picture I took...

New Years was pretty cool. As I got ready I wore my yellow t-shirt dress for New Years (despite the fact that it was freezing) to Church cause that was what my New Years outfit since our theme was Neon this year. Then we went to Ninang Lil's house to spend New Years Eve with my mom's side. Got our grub on with some Portos, buchi, and everything else there, then we played pinoy henyo again, and my team won the second round yeeee. We started playing Risk, then counted the New Year with everyone, and had to leave for the other party. I managed to change into jeans before we got to Wilmer's house and it was pretty late, but party was still going on, dance floor in the living room. I just stayed in Wilfred's room with the little kiddies, that's pretty much all I did. Uhh kids played PS3, and we just chilled, then took a few picture... and then me and Bryan watched When in Rome, courtesy of Peter's Netflix haha. Bryan was so into it hahahaha, we tried to watch so many things, like Hey Arnold season 1, Wallace and Gromit, etc. Then more people came and took liek 2394023842 years to decide what movie to watch and Philip chooses some documentary called Restrepo or something like that... It was super late already. I think we watched it at 5? I tried to fall asleep, I managed to get a 40 min nap from 6:15-640am (or something) during the movie though haha. Then we took forever to find another movie, and then ended up with 8 Legged Freaks, once again Philip's choice or Darryl's. I got to fall asleep again, during this movie from 805-830am or whatever, on Wilfred's tiny twin size bed with me, Bryan and Wilfred sleeping, or trying to -__-". Grubbed on some fried rice and whatnot and then I eventually got to sleep 12-230pm babyyyy! HAha then chilled a little more and eventually went home. Super tired. &now my sleeping pattern is pretty messed up. But I praise God for the way I spent transitioning from 2010-2011, because it was good time spent with family.

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