Saturday, January 9, 2010


Thinking about all the thoughts in my head
Not really paying attention
Going when it was Red
Really taught me a great lesson
Oh how I was such a fool
I had so many tears going down my face
I was already so close to school
After the incident I get a call from Grace
She comes over with SHC and a few others
They get my mind off of things for a bit
Still missing my phone &being jealous of my mother's
Ending the night with a wonderful game of Scene it

I'm so thankful for the people in my life. They are always there for you, the "are you okay?" that I got today either from phone, person or AIM really mean a lot to me. I just Praise God that I'm okay and the other party and things went down smoothly. &hopefully it stays like that. Things could have gone a lot worst, and I'm just so thankful that it happened the way it did. God is my Savior and today he was there and always is.

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