Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Late night blogging #3

Well it's not that late, but this is just another random post. So I'm totally listening to a symphony video right now..

The film score for this movie is so pretty!

Admit it, you guys agree. At 3:38 is the best part! Makes me want to get a new A-string even more... not like it's gonna make me sound like the violins in this video though, especially at 1:06.

Man, that John Williams is one talented dude. However I know someone who is beyond greater than anyone and above all. Yes, Yahweh himself, who I just want to praise for totally humbling me on Monday night. Even though school has gotten quite serious with all the work and challenges given to me, a few minutes after I started to somewhat cry... and I usually don't cry, I was able to find comfort in my heavenly Father, through His Word.

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing... Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.
- James 1:2-4,12-15

What would giving up and not trying anymore get me? I would just be relying on myself to get through trials, basically having faith in myself... which is totally useless, because I haven't done anything. Unlike Christ, He has done something. Through His death and resurrection, God's elect has been saved from God's wrath. Just as the apostle Paul writes in his lovely letter to the church in Ephesus, " For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God..." (Ephesians 2:8) and this is why I don't have faith in myself, but in Christ, and this is why through trials, I have joy because the situation where I am at now, I can use it to give glory to God. You see, I wanted to give up and quit for my own selfish wants; although I wouldn't be bearing the image of God. Christ who was the exact replica of the image of God, didn't quit on anything, the only thing He gave up was His life, for His body (or the universal church)! What a gracious Lord we have! And I just praise Him for reminding me of all of this and for allowing me to strengthen my faith by bringing such a trial (nothing serious) into my life. So, I ask for prayers with school not only for me, but for everyone else in school. Finals are coming up, and winter break is almost here! Also if anyone has any prayer requests, let me know! I'll gladly pray for you.

Wowww... I don't know how I went from Jurassic Park to prayer requests... haha okay, well whatever. Goodnight!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Number 11.

Aww man, I missed it by a minute.. I normally write out the date but it's still 11:12 11/11/2011 ... haha it's okay. Today isn't really significant for me, but 11 just happens to be my favorite number. Ever since elementary school, I remember saying that 11 was my favorite number because my birthday was in November and it's the 11th month of the year and since my birthday is 11/01/1991, I remember thinking if 1 should be my favorite number instead, but I thought that it was too simple and boring for a favorite number. Back then, I liked to have unique favorite things, so all the things that have been my favorite since elementary probably has some weird reasoning behind it. So I leave you tonight with a list.

11 favorites.
1. Eleven is my favorite number.
2. Green is my favorite color.
3. James is my favorite book of the Bible so far... However all the books of the Bible are good, even though I haven't read all of it...
4. Dragon Ball Z is my favorite Cartoon.
5. Trunks is my favorite Character. Hence why my dog was named after him.
6. Oceans Eleven is my favorite movie all time. Just realized that it had Eleven in it's title..
7. The Lion King is my favorite Disney movie.
8. The Violin is my favorite instrument. Not trying to be biased, but I love the sound of one.
9. Nitrogen is my favorite element.
10. Seafood is my favorite type of food.
11. Heist movies are my favorite type of movies.