Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Exam down

I'm going to try and make one of these for every exam, unless I have a mass number of exams right after each other. You guys' have to admit though, that you like that feeling you get right when you turn in your exam and walk out the class, that it's over with feeling, yeah that one, it gets me every single time. Like everything thing this world gives us, that feeling doesn't last, espescially when you start thinking about your answers on your exam and how it got the problem wrong, well.. that's a whole other thing. Now 6 days till the next exam, and it's my make it or break it exam for calculus.

Things learned by studying for this exam
1. Finding pH throughout titration of a diprotic acid/base
2. Principal series
3. My Chemistry class this semester covers a lot of Chem 111A/B Material
3. Studying at home doesn't work for me anymore.

Oh yeah check this out, a room decorated with $10 worth of Sharpies.
Pretty cool.

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