Thursday, April 22, 2010

List #4

Super Frustrated.
1. Choose a side to write about.
2. Write my thesis.
3. Calculus quiz Monday.
4. English essay rough draft Wednesday.
5. Calculus exam Thursday.
6. Chemistry exam Friday.
7. Chemistry Online quizzes Monday and Wednesday
8. Grateful for not needing to go to Lab til May 5.
10. My dogs and all the other dogs in this neighborhood need to stop barking at each other!
11. Help?

I cannot write or even start this essay for English. Open Immigration ... it's either I'm for it or not. Like my high school junior and senior history teacher would say, "You're either pregnant or not.". I'm getting so angry, due to the fact I can't do anything on this paper, I haven't done anything else homework wise, since I said I was going down my things to do list I wrote down in my planner with "Thesis" being #1. I'm getting annoyed by the dogs in this neighborhood including mines all barking at each other; they won't stop!

"In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent."

- Psalms 4:4
I must not let my anger get to me. I will not let it.

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