Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Metric System

"Fluid ounces? What's that I only know liters and milliliters."

- Myself.

Sorry, I don't have any idea of how large or small a fluid ounce container would be. Seriously.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bad timing, all the time?

I suppose I have bad timing, so I just finished all my online quizzes problems and when I'm ready to put in my answers the website is down and I can't put it in, sucks. It's due on Wednesday, but me being the person I am wants to get this over with. Which is why I'm blogging right now.

I still have to study for my Calculus exam and Chemistry exam. Last set of midterms this week! I have my version of a countdown kind of. Praise God this week is starting off good. Had a very lovely and productive Sunday, and today was nice as well. Mary and I finally got our perfect quiz score! Ironically we got it on the hardest section, hey we're not complaining though.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

List #4

Super Frustrated.
1. Choose a side to write about.
2. Write my thesis.
3. Calculus quiz Monday.
4. English essay rough draft Wednesday.
5. Calculus exam Thursday.
6. Chemistry exam Friday.
7. Chemistry Online quizzes Monday and Wednesday
8. Grateful for not needing to go to Lab til May 5.
10. My dogs and all the other dogs in this neighborhood need to stop barking at each other!
11. Help?

I cannot write or even start this essay for English. Open Immigration ... it's either I'm for it or not. Like my high school junior and senior history teacher would say, "You're either pregnant or not.". I'm getting so angry, due to the fact I can't do anything on this paper, I haven't done anything else homework wise, since I said I was going down my things to do list I wrote down in my planner with "Thesis" being #1. I'm getting annoyed by the dogs in this neighborhood including mines all barking at each other; they won't stop!

"In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent."

- Psalms 4:4
I must not let my anger get to me. I will not let it.

Whatever happened to "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"?

I’m pretty sure everyone has heard that saying some time during their life. As Serena was telling me last night, “You just went to Vegas!”. I went to Vegas about 2 weeks ago or so, and I keep on thinking about when I’m going back again. I don’t know why I want to go back, I mean we did not do much at all; we were shopping for most of the time. I pretty much went there to babysit my 10 year old cousin, so my aunt could go gamble and shop like crazy. The purpose of the whole trip was to visit my Grandpa after his surgery, and we only went out with him once, and that was for Dimsum. It’s good to know he is doing fine though. Back to the point of this blog, nothing interesting happened to me on this trip, the most interesting thing was probably the Vans guy, but that wasn’t even that interesting. Why can’t I just let what happened in Vegas stay there? It’s just Las Vegas…

I must admit, it felt good to be gone for a few days. Few more weeks to go

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Not Feeling It.

No I am not talking about that earthquake that happened earlier today. However I did think it was pretty ironic how the earthquake occurred when we kinda a little more than just started but started watching 2012. "God got mad at us for watching the movie" Haa. That movie though... sure is uhh.. fiction, fiction as a fairytale.

Anyways school resumes tomorrow. I really am not feeling this semester, I wish I was but I just am not. The classes I study like crazy for, I don't do good in, however the classes I kind of put aside I am doing great in. I don't know, maybe I put them aside because I know the class isn't hard? Or is it that I am doing bad because I am studying too much... I can't quite figure it out. Hopefully I do.

I just really want to end this semester already.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I thought it was Spring?

Last time I checked it was Spring. This weather is so messing me up, not really but yeah. Even right now one minute the sun is out and the next it's gone. It's so cold, I'm wrapped in my blanket right now. Anyways I am not in the mood for this, but I'm doing my English homework. This class is soooo KJASFL:KJSADLKJAF! I guess it's not really "a lot" of homework, but I just don't want to do it. I shouldn't be complaining.

I am enjoying this break, no need to go out everyday this week. It's called Spring break not vacation. I just need to rest to have enough energy to finish this semester.