Thursday, August 27, 2009

Word of the day: dagat.

"Rolling down Bixby Knolls, like we're important people. Superstaws"

- Joel Reyes

Random day with Mimi and Joel, and Daniel came along towards the end. Oh, now us four can never forget Chung! Ahaaa.

So my dad left for the Philippines today, some people don't understand why he goes there way more often than the average Filipino living in the United States; but I understand why.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

just because you can't see it

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

- 2 Corinthians 4:18

I was watching some TV show I used to watch when I was in middle school, and I noticed how much the girls worried about the way they looked, and spent so much time and money on makeup, clothes, nails, etc. For them it was as if looks were everything to them, and personality was nothing. This is something I do not agree with. People don't need to focus on looks that seriously (1 Peter 3:3-4), because no matter what you do your looks are going to change meaning it's pretty much temporary. Once again, the Bible is correct.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


So it's 5:50 in the morning and sadly, I can't go back to sleep. I fell asleep during my Wednesday night movie yeah... And now I am up and paying for it. I feel like taking a walk outside but I don't know if I should, I'll probably walk at like 7. I guess I will just lay down for a few minutes and think about stuff. Sorry for the pointless blog, but insomnia sucks.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Last minute trip

Oh Arizona, how I miss you now. Visiting my aunt's house was great, all though I must say that her pool was sadly wasted since I was allergic to swimming for the weekend.

My weekend consisted of
1. 105 and up temperature.
2. Outlet shopping.
3. Family bonding.
4. Scrabble games.
5. Random TV watching.
6. Late night sleeping with cousins.
8. Road trips with Kyle next to me.
9. More outlet shopping.
10. People magazine crosswords.
11. Fighting over who Izzy likes better.
12. GPS systems.
13. Listening to My mom and Aunts gossip about EVERTHING.
14. Magic Bullet fun along with watching Magic Bullet commercials
15. Air conditioning

Our "made it to Arizona" face.
Saturday morning's Scrabble game.
Waiting for the others to finish Outlet shopping.
Tita Doc's pool and part of her backyard.
Downtown Pheonix

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A ride along the LA riverbed

Rode to the lighthouse over at Downtown Long Beach with Kuya, Harvey, Paolo, Bryan, Alvin, Kevin, Jacob and Tito Gani. Quite random, but they wouldn't leave me alone since Monday night. It took 50 minutes basically an hour to get there. No Harvey, not 2 hours... Split up from the lighthouse, Kuya, Kevin, Alvin, Bryan went to Wilmers or attempted to, then me, Jacob, Harvey, Paolo and Tito Gani went back home. From there time was our only worry, well actually sunlight, but we made it. Got off the riverbed at like 8:40. It didn't take that long, being that we were tired hahah. Now I'm off to clean Thomas. Oh that riverbed... I want to thank those that actually pick up there dog's dumpings, and all those little LA River cleanup volunteers.

Monday, August 10, 2009

First ride

Went riding with Grace, Kevin and Justin, it was a good first ride. I need to get used to a few things like, having the cars pass by so close! My only really big complain was getting dark, like no lie; for those that know me, I don't really like to get dark. Once we reached our destination (Wilmer and Wilfred's house) it was whatever I wasn't really tired, but now that I'm home, wowwwwwwww I'm tired haha. Looking forward to more rides with my bike, but not too much haha.

Also, major thanks to Kevin and Ban for patching up the hole on my bike's tube, that I named Brian.

I learned a couple of things from this ride:
1. Watch out what I'm biking on, so nothing harms my bike's tires
2. Bring a jacket or anything with long-sleeves, so I don't get dark.
3. Find something to cover my face, so my face doesn't get dark.
4. Naming a bike is not easy, that's why i have so many "my bike" on this blog.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

free to run around all day

Oh this video.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

all over the place

Hung out with friends in the morning, then cousins and my dogs in the afternoon and early evening, exercised through biking and resisted the unhealthy foods. I need more days like this.

Monday, August 3, 2009


My list of summer accomplishments, is pretty much nothing...

- I clean my room all the time.
- I am a couple of chapters away from finishing The Soloist
- I walk my dogs pretty much 5 days a week
- I blog more often

That is not a list to be proud of. I haven't even finished The Soloist, I mean for a book that I actually like, this is taking too long. I don't even walk my dogs EVERYDAY.. Nothing on that list is making me proud of myself, ughh.

Talk about a productive summer ...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

x men evolution

I've been watching X Men Evolutions on DXD channel, it brought back memories of when there was Kid's WB on Saturday mornings, when there actually was a WB channel... Anyways, I wanted to finish the show, and was kind of impatient to watch just one episode a day, so I'm watching episodes online, to this very second I'm watching one on my computer as I blog on the brother's laptop. Admit it, you used to imagine having mutant powers; shoooot I know I did.

Where am I going with this, you ask? I encourage that you all watch a cartoon that you used to watch as a kid; not only does it bring back memories, but you also get to watch a show that you actually enjoy and it might have insiders that only your generation will understand.