Sunday, March 29, 2009

the day after .

jess'party yesterday . it was fun, i enjoyed it . too bad my voice was all scratchy from playing badminton friday night then eating out, good thing i didn't get yogurtland like everyone else did &came home late . i woke up early yesterday, i dont know why, &i woke up early on friday for no reason . anyways, yeah the party was cool, i got to hang out with people i don't really hang out with &talk to people i dont really talk to . yeah, i dont know what to say &i think im going to sleep .

Saturday, March 21, 2009


so im fasting right now, because i have to take a cholestorol test today, so im not suppose to eat twelvehours before . &i haven't ate since like 7:30 PM last night, its passed 12 hours, but i still havent gone to the doctors . im freaking hungry ! haahah . i have a couple of things to do this weekend, homework wise ill make a list at the bottom to help myself . yesterday, badminton practice was whatever haha . i played mixed doubles is john rex . oh how i really don't like playing mixed but someone we won both games ... whatever, im not playing mixed .i got out of singles, &told them to make jess singles . wooot . but we're still doubles partners (: uhm after practice i walked home with jess, she stayed over because she didn't want to go home yet . we chilled for like 2 hours, then i dropped her off, we live really close to each other, not like next door stuff but close enough haha . i super knocked out yesterday, i slept at like 8:30 ! haha . yeahh, i think it's cause i slept at 2AM on thursday . im soo hungry ! haha .

i feel left out, when it comes to this stuff . sometimes i wish i had someone there but then again, i DON'T need someone there . its been 17 years like this &im doing better than others .

my list
- history essay
- chemistry bookwork
- chemistry lab write up

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

late start

hmm today is the first day of CAHSEE testing at my school, which means i go to school at 12:30 . oh it feels so good . i only have periods 1,3&5 today which is psychology, english and euro history . so im doing work today haha, but i leave 5th early cause we have our first moore league game against Millikan . we did not even have practice yesterday, due to coaching mishaps . hmm i don't know what to wear today haha, it's not a big deal but since we get all this time to do nothing, might as well find something decent hahaa . like i have anything decent . it's a pretty day today the sun's out and everything . i want to walk the dogs, but my sisters dogs chewed up my dog's leashes -__-'' &he hasn't chewed her own up . hmmm haha . yeahh, im still debating if i should straighten or not, haha i don't really see a need to but i'm just that bored ! haha .

im still being lazy at school, but hey i finished all the homework needed . &i have all A's right, well from the classes that use SchoolLoop . oh yeah, i got accepted to UC Irvine, however im pretty sure im not going there . HELLO CSULB . i don't mind going there, maybe my parents will get me a car hahh ...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

showing symptoms of

ever since badminton practices started i've been lazy compared to how i was with schoolwork before hah . usually i would walk home after coops class, stop by my grandmas be home by 2 . then i would do homework till 6 &then take a shower . uhh homework until a laker game starts, &if there was none, computer when im done . now when i get home i do math homework &a few things but i stay on the computer forever &watch the laker games sitting at my computer desk . how lame . in coop's class i don't take things AS serious, thanks to michelle who gets me distracted haha im not blaming her . in ms zizz's class im not getting good scores on a few things, although i still have an A . mr baligad's class, im getting angry because we don't do anything that i think will help me on the AP test ... math class, is going okay . chemistry, we just recently changed teachers &yeahh . i haven't been turning my 6th period work, but honestly ... no one has ... but yeah, as you can see im not SUPER hardworking self lately, &as much as i don't want to say this but ... i think ... i'm .. getting, seniorities . don't worry i think this is just a little phase . 3 more months is all there is ..

oh &badminton stuff .. oh ill save that for another blog ...