Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nostalgia? Not quite.

So I've been going through plenty of middle school things, such as pictures, blog posts, and mixed CDs that I made back then. well more of 8th grade. It's weird, but it just brings back so many different feelings. There were so many times where I caught myself laughing at my embarrassing self, I mean c'mon it's middle school. After reading my old xanga posts, I constantly posted about how being in orchestra was my favorite thing in school. One thing I remember about orchestra in 8th grade, was 4 girls sitting next to each other in a row... we would talk about boys A LOT haha, so bad... but true. I especially loved being in orchestra when the orchestra and band got to work together for concerts, assemblies, festivals, field trips and stuff, the BEST. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the other things about 8th grade like how everyone all hung out at the same spot at lunch, everyone in class knew each other, having really chill teachers, ahh there's so many things about it that I enjoyed. I'm not gonna lie, I was way more social then, than I am now... haha I would always be on the phone with someone, and be on aim talking to a couple of people, playing computer games with people, going to the mall every Friday, meeting new people every week, MySpace, etc. it's crazy. Because now I'm not totally not like that, I barely talk on the phone, I rarely hangout with friends, I don't go on aim as much, and I don't play computer games. So weird... After reading most of my 8th grade xanga posts, it's funny how one little thing could make me super emotional back then. Then today getting a random phone call from a friend I met and got super close to in 8th grade totally couldn't have came at a better time haha. Totally reminisced and talked about how ridiculous we acted back then. It felt good, getting to discuss funny things, and you know simply talking about "back then". I love it when someone tells you a really funny story and you were in it, but totally forgot about it, I mean friends are quite helpful in that department. I highly recommended you to reminisce with someone else instead of doing it alone, it really adds more umph to the moment haha.

I find it very odd how every time middle school comes up in a conversation today, I will always say "I hated middle school." and I probably didn't like it because looking back at me back then, I was embarrassed of the things I did, thought, and the person I was. I think that I say that, I hated middle school is because of my pride; and looking back, seeing me act so foolishly, was something I was never wanted to think about since it hurt my ego. However this time my looking back was different, I actually said out loud, "I miss middle school." Although I had embarrassing moments I don't care anymore, that's a really big part of middle school haha, and I praise God for blessing me with such a wonderful experience and blessing me with 3 years of embarrassing moments, crushes, nonsense emotions, tantrums, and basically growing up. Remembering how I said that I hated middle school, totally just allowed me to see how prideful I am, there's nothing in my life that I regret because everything that has happened to me has been a blessing from God, because my life alone is already a gift from God, and the fact that Christ has allowed all of this to happen truly humbles me. Yes today, I did say "I wish I could go back to 8th grade" but I am not yearning for the past. I am perfectly fine with my life now, although at times it may not seem like it, I am thankful for EVERYTHING that God has graciously given me.

Things to help you when reminiscing about the past.
1. Don't do it alone, it's way better to reminisce with someone else.
2. Look through everything during that time, pictures, blogs, journal entries, letters, music, etc.
3. Remember that God is sovereign and things are the way things are today.
4. Enjoy!
5. Glorify God. Do it all the time. 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Friday, August 5, 2011

List #12

Sapitans. Nanay's children and their spouses, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren

Past few weeks or so
1. July 26, 2011. My grandma went home to the LORD and is now enjoying being in His presence.
2. Lots of Sapitan and Genido company.
3. My Kaka Delfin is in California again for 2 more weeks!
4. My Dad is finally back! Only God knows for how long haha, seriously.
5. This past week I think I've spent more time at Poppy than my own house.
6. Plenty of time spent with Ate, Kuya, Ate Rosalie and Jane.
7. Watched old home videos. Really good stuff.
8. Spent a lot of time at forest lawn for 4 days.
9. Losing my voice for the viewings haha.
10. Wearing black and white for 4 days!
11. Witnessing to my family, but realized I need to do a better job.
12. N64'ed!
13. Ended summer school and finally started summer!
14. Mexican candy!
15. My dad's driving..
16. Realizing what a blessing family is to me.
17. Got to hangout with high school friends.
18. Sheba's going to Germany!
19. 90s are all that.
20. Can finally continue watching Dragon Ball GT.
21. A haircut I was not expecting haha.

I can't really remember the past few weeks anyways or even months since I haven't blogged in a while. This past week alone as been a little crazy, but God has been so gracious to me and my family and I just praise Him for all of it.