Tuesday, July 28, 2009

State University Grant

"...we have added a State University Grant (SUG) to your award offer ..."

Thanks CSU Long Beach for this addition towards my grant &scholarship money.

I'll admit, I'm quite nervous at the moment. This bowl of cereal that I'm currently eating is satisfying my taste buds.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

hot heat

Happy 18th Birthday Grace!

KBBQ on a 83°F day yeeeeeeeeah.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Movie Night Wednesday

Wednesday is officially my movie night. Nothing like staying home watching some somewhat old good movie on a Wednesday night.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Gah! So I passed my Chemistry placement test, therefore I don't have to take Chem 101. Now I'm trying to add 111A and drop 101 because there's only one 111A class open and MyCSULB won't let me add classes due to the hold they put on Freshmans registration ugh. I'm stressing that it might be taken by all the other students that passed the Chem test with me and aren't a freshman, hopefully they don't register for 111A.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A little thing from Sunday school

"Sometimes you're the only Bible people read."

Makes you think, huh?

Friday, July 17, 2009


Why must they be so freaking believable?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Yesterday I was with the fellow unemployed cousins and they started talking about what they were going to do with their money that they were going to get if something went through, and it reminded me of something that happens in books and movies. When like some characters dream about getting money and &start to have those ridiculous visions of what they would do with money. I can't explain, it just made me laugh.

Monday, July 13, 2009


This makes me miss 6th period badminton in what's his face's class. Sorry I forgot it.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

more more.

Played badminton today for like 45 minutes, then sushi and more tomorrow!

I love That 70's Show.

talk about throwback

What do you have on this?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

sick of home.

I know I say all the time I don't mind being home, but I want to get out the house! No, I don't mean going to csulb to play badminton or drop off some sort of papers or going out to find a job. I actually want to hang out.

&that was high school

So yesterday I pretty much threw all my papers from High School minus my 3 years of Chemistry notes that I know I'll have to look over again, and my Math Studies notes from last year. I even threw away the forest of the papers that fit in the two, 2" binders from Mr. Coop. When I was trying to throw away the first plastic bag as I lifted the bag the handles expanded so I had to carry it as if it were a box.

Played Badminton yesterday &more tomorrow!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Currently craving California Rolls and Shrimp Tempura! Letssssssss go!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

it's official

Trevor Ariza is a Rocket. ):

Sighh, he looked better in purple &gold, oh and white.

Oh &Ron Artest is a Laker #37. I love the story behind the number too.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

MJ's memorial

"I want to say to Michael's children, there wasn't nothing strange about your daddy, it was strange what your daddy had to deal with. He dealt with it anyway. He dealt with it for us."

- Al Sharpton

Isn't it funny how when he was alive the media was all in his business and people had negative things to say about him, and now that he's dead it's all gone. I think it's sad how it takes such a sad event to make some people realize all the great things a person has done.

"This is a moment I wished I wouldn't live to see ... As much as we may feel that we need Michael here with us, God must have needed him far more."

- Stevie Wonder

Yes more about him. Even though I was watching it on tv, it was s so touching. I'll admit I teared... plenty of times. At practice I told Donnie I was tearing but I wasn't sure if I was tearing because of the memorial or because one of the dogs were limping. Then I watched the encore presentation, since I didn't finish and I started tearing again making me realize that I wasn't tearing because of the dog...

Monday, July 6, 2009

interior designing

I've been watching a lot of HGTV, DIY, Style, and Planet Green shows and it keeps making me want to decorate my room even more. Like i rearranged my furniture before school ended and then I had to rearrange my wall. *This was all before I started watching those channels. I love seeing such pretty decorated rooms, especially the ones that don't have too much decorations but yeah.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence day.

"Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better."

- Albert Camus

Happy 4th of July everyone!

Friday, July 3, 2009

not occupied .

Gahhhh, I'm so bored! There's absolutely nothing to do, well kind of... clean my room AGAIN, but then it's going to make me want to add to my wall, which I can't do because I haven't developed the pictures I want on my wall -__-''. Oh and I'm going to refold my clothes in my drawer.

there's still hope.

Since his agent is an idiot, this won't be happening anymore! He'll be on the other team in this picture. Even though he might not on my team anymore, he's still my player; it's just sad I can't see him play all the time like when he was a Laker. But hey, nothing's official yet, I still have hope for him being a Laker next season. I was seriously about to put him on my wall, I already put pictures on my SD card because I was going to develop the photos for my wall and I put a handful pictures of Ariza to print to put on my wall, and they were him as LAL #3.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer days like this .

I actually stayed home today, I'm not complaining though. It was one of those decent days where I don't need to go out. I didn't even clean my room, the whole time I was at home, although I need to get on that again. I'm currently adding (more) things to my wall, and somewhat trying to decorate my room. I love looking at pictures of other people's room, I could stare at those pictures forever.

I started the FirstRead for University 100 which is The Soloist By Steve Lopez, I like it so far. It's nothing new to be reading during summer, since I pretty much had to every year in high school.

More people need to blog, and the ones that do need to update more often. I like reading people's blogs.