Wednesday, February 13, 2008

fixed retainer

it was a foggy day, no sun . it was like 70 degrees, blahh it was cold . yellow hoodies <3 went to the orthodontist today for my appointment . next appointment is March 19, i think . they told me i get them off in May, but i doubt it cause they always say stuff like that &its like months after, then they say another date . had some sort of badminton practice today, no net just random hitting for an hour or so . i was hitting with kim first then coach gave me some new filipino kid to hit with, then i was an example for marigine who was teaching donnie, then i was assigned to silverly i think thats his name, yeahh had to help him hit the bird . i never realized that it was really hard to hit it, or is it just him ? blahh, if basketball won today for CIF, then who knows when badminton gets the gym, but if they lose yeah ..

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