Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Late night blogging #4

Because that's how cold it is in my house.

Telling you now, this is gonna be a really random blog... I'm probably awake because my sleeping pattern is pretty messed up at the moment, even more than usual. Anyways since it's the last week of classes, today was my last Tuesday, I'm only mentioning this because this semester was Two Class Tuesday which I really enjoyed. However, I totally didn't even have a two class Tuesday today, since I didn't go to my first class today. Soo lame, you know those days when it's so cold you don't want to wake up so you stay in bed, then next thing you know it's like 45 min after... yeah that was today, well it's been like that the past few days ha... I even tried to give myself motivation to wake up early for class today, which was so lame... it was to put on makeup for school tomorrow (I normally don't put on makeup, actually I normally don't dress up for school...), so I would have to be able to wake up early to put it on... Total fail. At least with me leaving an hour later than usual, I did something quite helpful... I woke up my sister haha, and she totally was running late and she had an exam this morning. So my waking up late wasn't totally useless...

It was a weird Tuesday, I felt like I didn't really have to go to class today. In German class we were suppose to take a makeup quiz to replace our lowest score and then get our first draft back but, he wasn't done editing them. And my quiz scores are pretty decent, so whatever. I had the whole idea in my head, I shouldn't have came to school today... but that would just be me being lazy and laziness is so not God glorifying.

Random Post, Random List
2. This week is going by so slow.
3. I don't really like chick flicks. HAHA.
4. I've been watching old videos lately.
5. I'm sad that there's no bible study tomorrow haha, and that I missed the last C&C bible study of the year haha.
6. It's okay, I can use the time to spend in my own personal studies in the Word.
7. Thinking of replaying Kingdom Hearts 2 over break, or finish Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations.
8. Winter break... patiently waiting.

Monday, December 5, 2011

I totally shouldn't be on here.

I can't help it, cause I don't know what else I need to know for tomorrows lab practicum... Man, totally just have to hang on for two more weeks, til winter break.. well that is, only if the Lord hasn't called me home by then. Another opportunity to practice that patience again.

So today, I as I was freezing in my room while studying; I decided to, turn on a heater in my room, then go eat dinner which happened to be my favorite fried fish and rice (no, really) and make some hot tea, cause I dislike the cold and love tea aha. Anyways, then after I prayed and started eating, I realized while freezing, that I was eating my favorite food, drinking uhh I guess you can say a favorite drink, and had a heater warming up my room as I eat and drink this wonderful meal haha and that was when I totally felt grateful. I mean here I am hungry, freezing in cold weather while studying for a final; then I just see God's providence right in front of my face.

I'm hungry, and I've been provided food on the table once again.
I'm freezing, but I'm blessed with a roof over my head and a heater!
I'm studying for a final, which means I've been given an opportunity to go to college.

Like seriously, the Lord has been so gracious to me and I'm very glad that He (not myself, but Him. *Psalm 16:2) has been reminding me that He has. It reminded me something that the senior pastor at my local church (www.sbcac.org), Pastor Felix said while preaching two Sundays ago, I remember him saying something along the lines of "God sent us problems so we will praise Him." So there I was with problems somewhat, and then totally praising Him! An amazing God, He is. Sorry I can't think of a verse at the moment that totally goes with His providence, forgive me. But, how bout you share a verse that does (: I'd totally appreciate it. I can't really think straight right now, and yes I know it's not an excuse... Okay, I should get back to studying... or sleep ha.

Soli Deo Gloria!