Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh John harvey...

Me 11:07 pm
alright ima go sleep
good night.

Harvey 11:07 pm
1st day of college :D

Me 11:08 pm

Does he not know, I've been in college, some cousin -_____-"

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Summer days like these.

Good day, spent with good people.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Word in. Word out.

Taken from Hannah.
(Click photo to enlarge).

Praise God for a very successful youth camp! Knowing some of the struggles the officers had while planning, I was so glad to see everything work out. This weekend was if not the best, one of the best ever; I loved every second of it. I came back from camp with so much, from getting to know more about the girls in my cabin, small group, all the campers, even myself, to, of course being a servant of God. It's amazing what 3 days away from the city can do to a person or at least me. During my one on one session with Loris, I told her one struggle that's really big for me, and I was holding in my tears it was weird, I never would have cried over that. She helped me straighten things out and figure out what I need to do without telling me what to do. Then Pastor Godfrey's message during session 4, really hit me, it was as if Pastor was there during my one on one session. You can have all the things in the world, a good job, nice car, big house, billions of dollars, etc but still be poor. I miss my cabin girls, if we were still together we'd probably talking about food aha. I miss the "full name-ers". I miss group 4 fun night skit group, paaaaaaaaaartyyy! I miss my small group girls, with the awkward silences. I miss camp. Words don't even express how grateful I am, God is sooooo good, all the time and all the time He is good.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
James 1:22

We must not only read the Bible, we have to do what it tells us to do. Thanks to this morning's personal devotion James 2: 17 clearly says "Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." We must do what the Bible tells us to do, but before we become doers, we must read it, and understand it.

More about the session 4 message, Jesus left everything to do the work of God. I need to be less selfish and sacrifice for God. I need to set my priorities on what really matters. Like Pastor Godfrey said, "you don't need a fancy college degree", what you need is God. It's going to be one crazy ride, but I'm seat-belted in and ready for Him.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

They grow up so fast.

Back in 2008

They were so tiny back then. Now I'm wearing Echo's jersey in my facebook picture ahaha.