Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spring 2010 registration

"One day makes a difference."

I have my schedule set for next semester, just pray that none of my classes are going to be full by my registration date.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


me (7:14:52 PM): see if ariza shot that 3...
harvey (7:14:57 PM): ahahhahahhahahahhaha
harvey (7:15:01 PM): i knew you were gonna say that!
me (7:15:38 PM): duhh
me (7:15:39 PM): ahaha
harvey (7:16:03 PM): lol

me (7:17:01 PM): andrew bynum need's to shave
me (7:17:01 PM): aha
harvey (7:20:29 PM): lo needs to let his hair grow
harvey (7:20:30 PM): i wanna see it
harvey (7:20:32 PM): lol

harvey (7:33:36 PM): DAAAAAMN
me (7:33:38 PM): dengg
me (7:33:39 PM): haha
harvey (7:33:43 PM): JORDAN GOT POSTARIZED
harvey (7:33:45 PM): asldjk;fakls;fjajsdf
harvey (7:33:48 PM): oh my!!

Harvey admit it, you know you missed having these conversations.
We talk to each other as if both of us aren't watching and for some reason we tend to tell each other all the calls of the games and such...

Expect more of these on here, cause it's basketball seasonnnnn.