Thursday, February 26, 2009


badminton is having a great start for me, a few changes for the whole league, but we'll get used to it . im playing girls singles #2 &girl's doubles #1 with Jess . yayuh no mixed doubles for me ha . anyways, my room's a mess, &my hair is poofyy, cause it's short . you know thick hair when shirt gets poofy, therefore it needs to grow long &heavy to keep the hair straight, yaddamean .


Sunday, February 22, 2009

for reals this time .

no excuses this time, im going to try really hard, real hard .

badminton practices started, yay . no complains so far, yeah the new coaches do a couple of things differently, but its not bad changes; hopefully it's for the better . i need to get shoe insoles, for my flat feet . -__-'' i have a weak arch, if a normal arch was a "C" then my arch is a parentheses "(" haha . i didn't have much homework this weekend, ohh what a good thing .

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


pretty cool, huh?
good three-day weekend, pretty productive i must say . my physical was yesterday, found out something about my body, kinda scaryish ? not that bad not too good, but it leans more to bad ? hah, but its not really that big . i have so much to say, but i wanna save it for another day .

Lakers, woah babyy ! perfect roadtrip 6-0.
they won all games, beat the celtics &cavs, broke both of their teams personal records (celtics 12 win, &cavs 23 home wins), kobes 61, lamars big games, &a trade ! all of this with losing Andrew Bynum once again . hope he gets wells soon .

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

free time for now

finishing homework around 9 is a great feeling . well not ALL my homework, but yeah i get that feeling that i did it . i've been getting free time, as in not computer or not tv haha . today, i played piano for an hour well i've been doing that since it came here haha, good feeling . its been a few years, since i actually played piano like how i've been playing it recently haha . &i also read a chapter of the Great Gatsby, i know it's school reading; however i like the book so much that it feels like im reading it for pleasure . except the whole marking the book stuff, but im used it that already . &im about to play DS, after i do devotion . usually im always doing homework &up til like 1AM thinking about stuff, because i always have homework &stuff on my mind . its only 11:04 &im going to brush my teeth &all that junk soon . i really enjoy this free time stuff, because in 2 weeks badminton practice is going to start so i get home around 4 . *sigh, well i hope this relaxed feeling comes back soon .

my dad came back today, i kept saying it over &over at school . i missed him, ill admit it . we barely talked today, we'll we barely talk, but yeahh . its a lowkey missed feeling i guess ? hey, he brought me dried mangos &polvoron (: glad he's home safe, however im going to miss that car of his . haha .

today in chemistry it was good talking as the trio or whatever . me, vanny &michael were reminicising about the past years . how we all had band freshman year, &how we were . then sophomore year, i don't think we really talked to each other . then we talked about junior year &how people liked someone haha . &how

im still sore . it hurts soo much to get up from sitting down, it hurts to sit down, &it hurts to walk . horrible . espescially going down the stairs on the science building &im coming from the third floor, thank God i have lunch after 4th period .

Monday, February 2, 2009

how do the pros do it?

owwwwwwww ! yes i used onomatopoeia<, because i needed to express how sore i am right now . first day of conditioning for badminton, &i can barely bend my legs . i couildn't even run a whole lap after a few foot exercises, i literally walked half of it . i dont know how the professional athletes do it, from the NBA to the NFL, to the Olympics . while i was walking home, i could barely move my thighs &everything else was so sore . highlight of my day: Kobe dropped 61 on the Knicks at Madison Square Garden . (most points anyone has made over there)

winter formal, wasn't that great . there wasn't much people, so it felt like the dance floor was empty, well to me anyways . it was okay though, i guess . the superbowl had me up of my feet, i went for steelers, glad i did . i watched it at home, i was all alone &i was playing piano for most of the time . until the last few minutes of the 4th . i screamed when holmes had that touchdown, &i waited for the signal to celebrate . i don't really watch football, or anything about it but i payed attention kinda .

one picture from that night: Kabuki, i was watching the laker game over there .